Motion not to prosecute further





In Second District Court of the Territory of Utah

The people of the United States in the Territory of Utah vs John D. Lee indicted with William H. Dame et al.

Said John D. Lee by his counsel, moves this Court that it proceed no farther in the trial of this case at this time, for the reason that there is no legal term of the District Court for the Second Judicial District, is now being held. This motion is founded on The proclamation of the Governor[filing?] the terms of Court for this territory-and the Journal of said Court

Spicer, Hoge, Bishop Southerland & Bates & McFarland

July 29. 1875

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Utah State Archives and Records Service


No. 31 In 2d Dist Court Utah Territory

The People &c vs. John D. Lee, et al.

Motion not to Prosecute Further

Filed July 29, 1875. James R. Wilkins. Clerk.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Utah State Archives and Records Service
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