

Status: Page Status Incomplete

date-range: 1956-1960

Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Business Name Type Opposing Party Case Number
Moses Caterine Rosetti Plaintiff William C. Moses 115022
Moody Ellen Smith Adm., etc. Plaintiff Juanita C. Smith etc. et al 115046
Mollerup Van Lines Plaintiff Audie Ken Edgar, et al 115050
Morgan J H Sr Plaintiff Twentieth Century Power et al 115051
Morgan Fay L Gdn Plaintiff Gus McReynolds 115080
Moroni Feed Co Plaintiff Dell H. Bryson, etc 115081
Morrey VerLaine Plaintiff James A. Morrey 115122
Moyer Asa D Plaintiff Loyd Melvin Mitchell 115302
Mounteer Elaine Plaintiff Berl LeRoy Mounteer 115351
Morris Raymond L Plaintiff Hal H. Culverwell 115432
Moon Corinne Plaintiff DeLos Moon 115474
Mower Sheldon R et al Plaintiff John J Miller 115553
Morrison Earl Plaintiff Lavenda Morrison 115602
Mossler Acceptance Co Plaintiff Neal Johnson, et al 115623
Morgan Harold Jack Plaintiff Jim Pappas 115695
Moen Robert Albert Plaintiff Blenn C. Moen 115711
Morgan Viola Blanche Plaintiff Jim Pappas 115787
Monarch Loan Co Plaintiff Verdell Hoopes et ux 115795
Motor Lease, Inc Plaintiff Eastern Utah Development Co 115862
Mountain States Tel. & Tel. Co. Plaintiff The -vs- Red Hill Uranium Company 115884
Moench D Eugene Plaintiff Venus Blackett, et al 115963
Morby Marcell T Plaintiff William E. Morby 116006
Morrison Edna Regina Plaintiff Merlin Rudolph Morrison 116020
Monsen Roger P Plaintiff Donald Norton, et al 116216
Morrison William B Plaintiff Harry W. Louie [d/b/a King Joy Cafe?] 116282
Morgan Sarah Crane Plaintiff Edgar P. Morgan 116370
Moore Linda Keeling Plaintiff Ted Delane Keeling 116451
Moyle H LaMar et ux Plaintiff Salt Lake County Jail 116510
Moore Anna Plaintiff Donald Eugene Moore 116539
Morrow Zelma Ritenour Plaintiff Donald H. Rosensteel 116571
Moore Furniture Co

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