Page 058




Status: Complete

Motioned J. F. Allred seconded by C. W. Moore that a committee
be appointed to view certain city lots and select a location for
a lockup and superintend the building of the same. Passed.
The Mayor appointed C. G. Larsen, H. O. Ungerman, and R. Justesen as
that committee,
Motioned by J. F. Allred and seconded C. W. Moore that John
Jensen and John W. Allred be allowed ($1.25) one dollar
and twenty five cents per [perch] for rock delivered at the
location for the lockup. Passed by the council.
Adjourned to meet at the Coop. Store Sat. Apr. 28th/77. 6. O. clock P.M.
to receive the head watermaster's report.
{Saturday} April 28th/77 ½ past 6. O. clock P.M.
The council met at the Coop Store pursuant to adjourn
ment. The Head water master made his report.
Adjourned to meet at the meeting house May 4th 7 O C P.M.
{Friday} May 4th/77 7 O clock P.M.
The council met at the Meeting house. Roll call. A quorum pres.
A motion was made and carried that committee be appointed
to ascertain and define the west and north west boundary
of Spring City corporation.
The Mayor appointed J. F. Allred and C. W. Moore as
that committee. Adjourned till Tuesday May 8th 7 o clock P.M.
{Tuesday} Mayth/77 7 O clock P.M.
Council met at the Meeting house. Prayer by R. Justesen
Minuets read and accepted. Ten water permits were issued,
The subject of the expense of the survey of the canals was discussed
Motioned by J. F. Allred and seconded by L. Larsen that the expense
of the survey of said canals be paid out of the city treasury; Passed.

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