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Axel Tulgrin's taxes for 1875 and 1876 were remitted by the council.
Sally Zabriskie's tax for 1875 was remited also.
The comittes appointed to define the western and northwestern Councils
of Spring City made their report.
Closing prayer by J. P. Petersen. Adj: Till Friday May 19th/77 7. O clock P.M.
{Saturday} May 19th/77 7 O clock P.M
The city council was in session at the Meeting house.
Roll call: a quorum present. Minutes of last meeting read & accepted,
Ten dollars was appropriated to be paid to Peter Justesen for police
services &c. from Dec. 23rd 1872 to the 7th of Aug. 1876.
On petition of D. H. Allred, Saml. G. Bunnel was appointed to serve
as water master of the little field in lieu of himself for 1877.
Two dollars was appropriated for Lauritz Larsen for services in procuring
water permits.
Motioned by H. O. Ungerman secd by L Larsen that those who were employed
in surveying water ditches be paid ($1.50) one doll. and fifty cents per
day in grain at the price it is received on taxes for the year 1876.
A license was granted to the Coop. Mer. Institution during one year
from May 4th 1877 till May 4th 1878 for twenty five dolls.
Motioned by L. Larsen seconded R. Justesen that three dolls. in cash
be paid to C. G Larsen for boarding Br. Hogard while surveying the
water ditches in Spring City; carried.
Motioned by H. O. Ungerman & secd by R. Justesen that C. G. Larsen be
paid (2½) two and a half bushels of wheat for a journey to Manti with
freight; carried.
Saml. R. Aiken was appointed to the office of Assessor & collector
for Spring City for the current year & untill his successor is appointed
and qualified. Adjourned Sine Die.
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