Page 097
Thursday May 8th, 1879
A special meeting of the city council, at which the
citizens were invited was held in the Meeting House
Mayor Larson presiding. Mayor Larson stated
the object of the the meeting; [viz]; 1st should water be
transferred outside of the old filds, 2nd should
water for culinary purposes be allowed to those
living where there was no water rights.
It was moved by E. King seconded & carried
almost [imamonously] that thewater be not trans-
fered outside of the old fields.
It was stated that all that lived on land having
no right to the use of water had either wells
or springs. It was also stated by many of
the citizens that they suplied their stacks with
water from their wells, and that those living away
from the city could do the same. Hence [that]
people demand that the city council enforce
the ordinance relative to water.
Tuesday, May 13, 1879.
Council met in the tithing office. Councilor
F. Olson presiding. Prayer by F. Olson
Jos. A. Allred head water master made a few remarks
regarding the distribution of the water. The council
discussed the water questions & instructed the head
water master to burn a stream to the [chimmer] and
cut off supplyl from those who had none
authority to use it. It was thought proper
to invite the assesser to the next meeting Prayer by
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