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Thursday Feb 21st/ 78 6/ 1/2 O clock P.M.
The City Council was in session at the Tything office pursuant
to Adjournment. Opening Prayer by C. G. Larsen.
An Ordinance relating to Dogs in Spring City, was passed.
Also an Ordinance relating to Fowls. Closing Prayer by L. Larsen,
Adjounred till Thursday Fed 28th/78 6 P.M.
Thursday Feb 28th/ 78. 6 1/2 O clock P.M.
The city Council was in session at the Tithing office.
Opening Prayer L. Larson. Wm Hudson was granted the privilege to
lay building materials on the street east of his lot on which he
resides for a short time.
The Ordinance relating to dogs was returned to the council
by the Mayor with his objections; which was laid over
The ordinance was taken up, Considered, amended in part,
read by its title and passed.
The finance Commitee made their report relating to their
settlment with Sam. G. Bunnel as treasurer; Action on which was defered till a future time.
One dollar and seventy cents was appropriated for the purchase of
a docket book for a Justice of the peace of Spring City.
The Mayor was requested to produce a work styled Jillion
on Municipal Corporations, and the revised statues of Utah, for
the use of Spring City. Closing prayer by R. Justesen.
Council Ajounred till Thursday Mar 6/ O clock PM[6/ 78.]
Thursday March 7th 1878 6 1/2 O clock P.M. Prayer by C. W. Moore
The council sesson at the tithing office. The ordinance relating
to Dogs was taken up, amended in part, read by its title, and passed,
Lauritz Larsen & John Schofield were appointed a committee to make adjourned till March
amendments to the water ordinance passed March 27th 1877| 14th /78 6 O clock P.M.