Page 073


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6 revisions
Jannyp at Apr 01, 2024 06:57 PM

Page 073

Tuesday June 11th 1878 7 O clock P. M.

The council was in session at the tithing office.
Opening Prayer by H. O. Ungerman. Minuets of the last meeting read & accepted.
The committee appointed to draft a bill for an ordinance regarding
Municipal Elections in Spring City reported the same, which was
amended, read the third time by its title, and so passed.
Ordinance No. 21 regarding Municipal Elections passed June 13th.
1872 was repealed.
Motioned by Lauritz Larsen and seconded by John Schofeild
that ($15) fifteen dollars be appropriated to pay Sheets & Rawlins
attourneys at law for council. Granted. Closing prayer by J. Schofield.
Adj. till Tuesday June 18th/ 78 7 1/2 o clock P.M.

Tuesday June 18th/ 78 7 1/2 o clock P. M.
The council met at the tithing office. The minuets of the last meeting read
amended and accepted.
Two dollars & ten cents ($2.10 / 100) was appropriated for J. P. Christensen to
renumerate him for a copy of Ephraim City Municipal Election ordinance.
The city assessor & collector was requested to call on Lars Frantzen the
street supervisor and request him to apply the taxes submitted to
him immediately upon the streets at the most necessary points.
Adjourned till Thursday June 27th/ 78 7 1/2 o clock P. M.

Thursday June 27th/ 78 7 1/2 o clock P. M.
The council met at the tithing office. Opening prayer by John Schofeild.
Minuets of the last meeting read and accepted.
Resolved by the council that one bushel and a half of wheat be
allowed a man for a days work upon the streets: and two
bushels and a half of wheat for a man and a team.
The council appointed C. G. Larsen, John R. Baxter & J. F. Allred,

Page 073

Tuesday June 11th 1878 7 O clock P. M.

The council was in session at the tithing office.
Opening Prayer by H. O. Ungerman. Minuets of the last meeting read & accepted.
The committee appointed to draft a bill for an ordinance regarding
Municipal Elections in Spring City reported the same, which was
amended, read the third time by its title, and so passed.
Ordinance No. 21 regarding Municipal Elections passed June 13th.
1872 was repealed.
Motioned by Lauritz Larsen and seconded by John Schofeild
that ($15) fifteen dollars be appropriated to pay Sheets & Rawlins
attourneys at law for council. Granted. Closing prayer by J. Schofield.
Adj. till Tuesday June 18th/ 78 7 1/2 o clock P.M.

Tuesday June 18th/ 78 7 1/2 o clock P. M.
The council met at the tithing office. The minuets of the last meeting read
amended and accepted.
Two dollars & ten cents ($2.10 / 100) was appropriated for J. P. Christensen to
renumerate him for a copy of Ephraim City Municipal Election ordinance.
The city assessor & collector was requested to call on Lars Frantzen the
street supervisor and request him to apply the taxes submitted to
him immediately upon the streets at the most necessary points.
Adjourned till Thursday June 27th/ 78 7 1/2 o clock P. M.

Thursday June 27th/ 78 7 1/2 o clock P. M.
The council met at the tithing office. Opening prayer by John Schofeild.
Minuets of the last meeting read and accepted.
Resolved by the council that one bushel and a half of wheat be
allowed a man for a days work upon the streets: and two
bushels and a half of wheat for a man and a team.
The council appointed C. G. Larsen, John R. Baxter & J. F. Allred,