City Diary



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37 Monday March 27th/76 three O clock P.M. The city council met at te meeting house pursuant to adjournment. The roll was called: Quorum present. A license was granted to Nielsen Brothers to retail Spiritouse Vinous & Fermented Liquor at their store during one month from and after the first day of April till the first day of May in the current year for four dollars. The finance committee to whom sundry bills for services preformed for the city in surveying meas= =uring line and ploting were refered made their report through their foreman J. F. Allred: to wit. That A. J. Allred be allowed $5,50 W. M. Allred $3.75 E. W. Fox $2,50 J.S. Allred $3.75, S.B. Frost $7,00 J. T. Ellis $12,00 Ammounting to $34.50: The report was accepted and the Amount appropriated. The council adjourned till Saturday day April 1st, 1876 3. O clock P,M. Saturday April 1st 1876 3, O clock P.M. The city council met pursuant to adjounrment. After roll call the meeting was opened by prayer by Councilor J.F. Allred. The minuets of the last meeting were read and accepted by the council. Upon a verbal petition Councilor J.F. Allred was releaded from serving on the financial committee. Councilor J. Frantzen was appoin= =nted to serve on the financial committee in place of J. F. Allred resigned. R. W. Allred the sity street supervisor made his report which was accepted: and his account for services was reported to the financial committee.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Genesie Miller
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38 Thomas B. Allred's taxes for 1874 and 1875 were remited on account of ill health. Prayer by R. W. Allred. Adjourned till Tues. 4th Apr. 4 O clock P M Tuesday April 4th/76 4 O clock P.M. The council met at the meeting house. Prayer by R. Justensen, Minuets of the last meeting read & accepted. On motion by J. F. Allred and seconded by S. B. Frost an ordinance was past concerning obstru= =ctions on the side walks on Main Street. An Ordinance repecting Assessing & Collecting of taxes was discussed on motion of J. F. Allred and seconded by A. Acord the Ordinance was ref= =ered to a select committee to be appointed by the Mayor. The Mayor appointed J. F. Allred, J. Frantzen and A. Acord as that committee. Adjourned for one hour. The council met in the evening pursuant to adjo= =urnment. The subject of the waters flowing from the mountains East in direction of the city was aqitated. On motion of J. F. Allred and second by A. Acord a mercantile license was granted to Nieldsen Brothers during six months for twelve dollars and fifty cents. Adjourned till Sat 1. O clock P.M. Saturday April 8th/76 one O. clock P.M. The council met pursusant to adjournment. Prayer by coun. J. Frantzen. An Ordinance was past as reported by the select committee regulating the duties of Assessor & collector of taxes.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Genesie Miller
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39 The council took into consideration a Preamble and an Ordinance respecting the control, use, and distribution of water flowing from the mountains Westwardly in the direction of Spring City which after discussion and some revisions, was passed. An ordinance was passed appointing Wm M. Scott as policeman in the Spring City. Adjourned till Mon. April 10th/76 4. O. clo P.M. Monday April 10th/76. 4 o clock P.M. The council met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by D. H. Allred. Minutes of the last meeting read and accepted. {Res 1st.} A resolution was passed resolving not to isssue any licenses for selling or disposing of any Spiritous, vinous or Fermented liquor or intoxicating drinks. {Res 2d.} A resolution was passed confirming the appointment of [Haus.] Adolph Tompsen by the people to the office of head water master of Spring City. {Res 3d} Resolved that the property tax of said city for the year 1876 shall be assessed upon all taxable property within the limits of said city at one half of one percent. Adjounred Sine Die, Tuesday April 25./76 7 O clock P.M. The city council met at the meeting house being called by the Mayor. The minutes of the last meeting read & accepted. Upon the petition of a majority of the citizens an Ordin= =ance was passed by the council prohibiting the sale of or otherwise disposing of Spiritous, Vinous or Fermented liquors of other intoxicating compounds within the city limits J.F. Allred City attourney asked for a release from serving in said

Last edit about 1 year ago by Genesie Miller
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40 office; whose petition being tested by a vote of the council was met granted. Adjourned till Tuesday May 2nd/76. 7 O clock P.M. May 20/76 7. O clock P.M. The council met at the Meeting house pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by J. F. Allred. Minutes of the last meeting read amended & accepted. Nielsen Brothers made a verbal petition for license to sell Spiritous, Vinous, & Fermented liquors solely for medical purposes: They were requested to present a petition signed by a majority of the leading citizens of the city before futher consideration of the subject. Closing prayer by A. Acord. Adjourned Sine Die. Wed. May 31st/76 6. O. clock P.M. The city Council met at the Meeting house councilor S. B. Frost presiding. An ordinance was passed extending the time of the assessing and making return of tax list for 1876 to the fifteenth day of June 1876 Adj Sine Die Tues. June 13th/76 6. O. clock P.M. The council met at the Meeting House. J. A. Allred presenting. An examination of the assessment roll was held and an account of some individuals not having been assessed was considered incomplete. Ten dollars was granted to Reuben W. Allred for servi-ces as street supervisor: And seven dollars was granted to Saml. G. Bunnel for services ass Treasurer and the amount appropriated.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Genesie Miller
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41 The following names persons having been chosen sub water masters over the following names water ditched the same was confirmed as such by the city council Viz. D.H. Allred, South Ditch. Niels Olsen, Second Ditch from the south. James Rassmussen, Third Ditch from the south. Niels H. Borresen, Fourth Ditch from the south. James Commander, Fifth Ditch from the south. John Robinson, Sixth Ditch from the south. Jeus Petersen, Seventh Ditch from the south. Soren Petersen, Eighth Ditch from the south. Henry Eilertsen, Ninth Ditch from the south. John Blain, Ditches East of Main Ditch. D.H. Allred, Little Field Ditch. Geo. Brough, South Field. Jens P. Petersen, Point Ditch. Jens Jensen, Jensen Ditch. Niels H. Borresen, Canal Dam. William Hudson, Hudson Ditch. A. Niels Olsen, Forks Ditch Saturday June 24th/76, one O, clock P.M. was appo-inted as the time the council would sit to hear the aggrieved with their assessments of city taxes for the year 1876 (if any) and adjust the same; And adjounred till that time

Last edit over 1 year ago by Genesie Miller
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 240 in total