



Status: Complete

State File Number: 1062

County: Utah

Child's First Name:

Child's Middle Name 1:

Child's Middle Name 2:

Child's Middle Name 3:

Child's Surname:

Child's Suffix:

Sex: Male

Month of Birth (Number): 11

Day of Birth: 5

Year of Birth: 1913

Father's First Name: George

Father's Middle Name 1: A

Father's Middle Name 2:

Father's Surname: King

Father's Title or Suffix:

Mother's First Name: Eva

Mother's Middle Name 1:

Mother's Middle Name 2:

Mother's Maiden Name: Carter

Is there an Amendment?: No

Document Type: Certificate

Notes and Questions

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This is a duplicate of the preceding certificate, the only difference is that the State Board of Health File Number "1062" has been handwritten.

Gina Strack (Utah State Archives)

The duplicate should still be indexed because it is a different record for the same event, whatever reason it was created.