



Status: Indexed


An Act
Conferring upon Women the Elective Franchise.

Sec 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and
Legislative Assembly of the Territory
of Utah. That every woman of the age
of twenty one years who has resided in
this Terrtory six months next preceding
any general or special election, born or
naturalized in the United States, or
who is the wife, widow, or the daughter
of a native-born or naturalized citizen of
the United States, shall be entitled to vote
at any election in the Territory.

Sec 2. All laws, or parts of laws, conflicting
with this act, are hereby, repealed.

George Smith
President of the Council

Orson Pratt Sen
Speaker of the House of Representives

Approved Feby 12th 1870
J Mann
Acting Governor

Notes and Questions

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The name of the acting governor is very difficult to decipher. Some research would find this.


Upon further inspection of documents the acting governors name is shown as "Mann".