Lemon Cream
Pare the rind of two large Lemons exceeding thin into half a Pint of Spring water let it Stand all night & then beat the Whites of 3 large new laid Eggs very well then pour the water to them that the Peel was Sta[nding?] in the Put in the juice of the Lemo[n?]. Stir them well together then Strain through a lawn Seive Sweeten it with Dble refin'd Sugar to your Taste Stir it over a Slow fire till it is as thick as Cream or if it dont Seem to thicken Stirr it till it boils then pour it out into a Bason and it wil[l?] be thick Enough when Cold -
Apple Pudding
Take 3 large Apples boild tender unpa[rd?] drive them through a Seive 3 Oz of mel[ted?] butter 3 Oz of Sugar 3 Eggs a little lem[on?] peel, lemon Juice if the Apples be no[t?] tart put a Crust round the Dish half an hour will bake it
To make Syllabub [31 B - in pencil]
Half a Pint of mountain Wine the Juice of two Lemons with the Peels grated upon the Sugar and as much good Cream as Wine then mill them with a Chocolate mill & fill your Glasses this quantity will ^ make about 8 Syllabubs -
To make Custard
Take a Pint of thick Cream, boil it with a little Cinnamon about a qr of an houre then take out the Cinnamon and have ready One large new laid Egg well beat Pour your Cream by degree's to your Egg Stiring it all the time then Sweeten it with Sugar to your taste put it back again into the Saucepan & Stir it over a Slow Fire till it is as thick as thick Cream then pour it out & Stir it now & then till near Cold it will thicken while Cooling
Tansey Pudding [notation in pencil - J.C?]
Take a half Pint Bason full of bread Crumbs then beat 4 Eggs leaving out 1 White when your Eggs & Bread is beat together put to them a Pint of new milk & as much Juice of Spinage as will green it & a Table Spoonfull of the Juice of Tansey or as much as is agreable when it is mixed Stir it over a Slow fire till it as thick that the bread and milk dont Seperate butter your Dish and put it in to Bake if you wd like to turn it out into another Dish butter a Sheet of White Paper and lay at the bottom of the Dish which will make it turn out -
To Stew Golden Pippins
Take a Dozn Golden Pippins or as many as the Preserving pan will hold without laying one upon another, pare & Scope them quite through then take a quarte
of water & a Pound of fine Sugar and when the liquor is boild & Scumd, put your Apple into it with Small Shreads of Lemon Peel, boil them over a Stove fire pretty quick, but do not cover your Pan, there must be as much Liquor as to flow over them, when boiling, that is as to allow the froth to do it for the Apples will not Sink turn them now & then and when quite Clear take them out, and if at the first they appear to Crack you will finde them harden by longer boiling Put a little Lemon juice to your Syrrup and any bits of Apple that remain in it Strain it before you put it to them - Lay your Lemon Shreads upon the Apples and pour Some Syrrup to them when Serv'd to Table
To make Blamange [35D in pencil]
To an Ounce of Ising Glass put near 3qr of a Pint of Spring Water boil it till it comes to half a Pint then put to it a full half Pint of thin Cream with half a Ounce of Sweet Almonds & about 8 or 10 Bitter which must be first blanch & beat to a Paste Sweeten it to your Taste when all mixt together give it a boil & Strain it thro a Clean lining Cloth & when Cold put it into what molds or Cups you like best -
Dutch Blamange
To an Ounce of Ising Glass boild as above to half a Pint put half a pint of White Wine the Yolk's of 3 Large Eggs or 4 if Small well beat & the Juice of a Lemon mix the Wine & Lemon with the Eggs then put your Ising Glass to it Sweeten it to your Taste Stir it over a Slow Fire till it boils then Strain it through a Cloth & when Cold Put it in what you like -