49.010 - ALS to Aut

ALS to Aut, sister of Edward. Describes being in hospital, sightseeing around London, the war.




[postal stamp]

Mrs. R. H. Ferris 524 Crawford St. Toronto Canada.

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For God, For King & For Country. Y.M.C.A Y.M.C.A. Y.M.CA. H.M. FORCES ON ACTIVE SERVICE



Reply to_ Pte. E A Richardson 71st Battalion C E F _ 1915 Auxney Farm. #126141 Bordon England. Sunday night June 4th 1916

Dear Aut. How are you keeping anyway? I have not received a letter from you for quite a while now. I believe I wrote Fan a letter Thursday and Informed her that I was in the hospital. Well I can inform you that I am up and wandering around the ward (the only one in it at present.) with the Red white and blue clothes that the convalescents ware. It seems funny for your brother to be called a thing like that doesn't it? My face is all better now and only the scars left. I expect that to-morrow after I get another dose of vacine I will be off to a convalescent hospital. This hospital is just in the middle of London. It is just a little ways from Waterloo Staton (the chief station in London and just up at the

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other side of the bridge is Charing Cross. I didn't see much of London but will see more [lately -crossed out] later. I have a few postcards that I will send you later. I took a snap of the Tower from the big ^ Tower bridge over the Thames. What do you think of the war Aut? It was certainly some battle yesterday. But the English certainly whipped the Germans and drove them back to their hiding place, even if they did loose some battle ships.

I have been talking to a lot of fellows from the front lately and they say that we are handing it to them there. They all seem to think that there will be a grand smash up one of these days.

I received a letter the other day from mother and I was glad to get it in here. You write your letters to the address given as they will forward as I don't know hwere I am going. Well Aut I will write more next time as there is not much to write about here. Tell everybody to write [from - crossed out] in Toronto and best love to all them. Best regards to the "old man." Your loving Brother Ted. PS. Enclosed you will find [out - crossed out] my diary up to date. It is not up to much [but - crossed out] and not very neat but it is just for myself. I do not know where I will be stationed next but I am attached to 12 Brigade Signallers and will probably be at Shorncliffe. Ted.

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