49.013 - ALS to Fran

ALS to Fran, sister of Edward. Describes being in a different hospital, sightseeing around London, the war. Includes photographic postcard of the hospital.




[postal stamp]

Mrs. F. B. McMulkin 122 Indian Ro[envelope torn] Toronto Canada

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- Printed in England. - [text running parallel to right side of image] POST CARD. This space may be used for communication for Inland Postage and abroad.


Postage Inland, 1/2d - Abroad, 1d.

You can see the room I sleep in mark. x. I can see out both sides as the windows are [crossed out] on the other side Too.

The door marked x, is the main entrance and it leads to a hall about three times as large as our one at home.

The other x is where the pond is. [crossed out] It is quite large and spreads out in different places. The flowers and trees are beautiful.

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Last edit almost 3 years ago by C Thomasson


[right side of image] [in embossed type (no ink)] MASSEY-HARRIS CONVALESCENT HOME, KINGSWOOD, DULWICH, LONDON, S. E.

Wed. June, 14/16

Dear Fan: How are you keeping anyway? I received your letter about a week ago and also Aut's. You will be having a fine time this summer I suppose with your auto. If Bob gets one too it will be fine. They are such a help in the city for getting around.

I am in one fine hospital now It is a large house that the Massey Harris bought and turned into a convalescent Home. They

[left side of image]

What do you think of the war. The Russians are certainly doing fine and the Canadians are mixing things up. I have been talking to several of the men just from the trenches and they all say that great things are going to happen right away. The papers are full of memorial services for Kitchener and the soldiers are certainly carring out his wishes.

Well Fan dear I think I will close for this time. I will be writing Aut soon. Best Love to all in Toronto. Tell Frank not to work to hard cutting that terrace

Your loving Brother Ged. PS The weather has been rotten here for the last week or so. It snowed here a little this morning. R.

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equiped it and stand all the cost of upkeep. It is certainly a fine place. A rival of Pellat's ^ in Toronto. The inside is certainly beautiful. The downstairs is in dark oak and huge grates all over the house. The upstairs is all decorated [in the - crossed out] with white and the beds and furniture are all white. The room I sleep in is on one corner of the building and projects out. I can ^look [see - crossed out] out of the window and see all the grounds. The flowers and trees on the grounds are beautiful and there is a little pond. There are tennis courts etc. It is only ten or fifteen minutes walk to Crystal palace. Crystal Palace is turned into a naval base for training cadets for the navy and they will let no one in. I am going over to London to-morrow. Anytime if there is anything any of you want me to get for you, let me know. Monday I was up the Thames. There were thirty went from the Hospital. The guests of the Port of London Authority. The captain showed me all the different docks and places of importance. I saw the Woolwich Arsenal. The largest and most important in the B. Empire. I was over in London on Sunday and was a Hyde park and tried but could not get into the zoo. I have seen quite a bit of London since I have been in the hospitals.

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