49.064 - ALS to Aut

ALS to Aut, sister of Edward. Describes wishing that he will be sent home soon, having nothing to do now that the war is over, getting lost walking to Waterloo.




Ed. Richardson

Mr. R.H. Ferris No. 6 Nouton Court Nouton Canada

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Last edit almost 3 years ago by Innis


[....heart] [Relgiun] [Jan] up to the 1919 My dear Aut: Will this your turn for a letter any ways. I recieved a letter from you some little time ago and it was the only one in a long long while. The mail [....] to be rather slow [....] coming for [some] [reasons] or other. I believe they are sending it to England now on [....] of some of the [fellw..] going back home now. There [doesn't] seem to be any [decisive] hurry one to send us home, but we all expect that we will be on our way [....] of six weeks or two months. I can tell you it is very hard to pass the thing [now] and not be thinking of [home] all the time. I was to go on an

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Last edit almost 3 years ago by Innis


[R.] educational course to [.....] but it has fallen through. I only put in for it because I wanted to have something to do. For some reason or other I get very very fed up if there is no place to go or do. I was here to Waterloo the other day and I can tell you that it was well worth seeing. I started out with two other fellows and to go there we had to go through a big forest which almost surounds this town. The some of it forest [de] [Soignes]. Will we were given a route by the eople of this house, which would make it much shorter. We started out and three hours later landed the main road about five kilometers from this place and a good hour and a half from Waterloo. The other fellows would not walk [crossed over] back [crossed over]

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Last edit almost 3 years ago by Innis


on the to Waterloo soon I went myself. Well I can tell you that by the time I got there and had walked up [....] steps to the [....] I was pretty tired. I managed to walk back alright but had to come back through the forest by myself and it was pretty lovely. I [skat?] [weakest?] the trip all the more memorable to me. Well Aut there is not much news.I have not heard from Rea lately so do not know if he is still in Germany or not. I was talking to a Canadian doctor in an Imperial Division and he said they were going to Bohn to [relieve] the second Division. Well I must close and write another letter now. Best love to all. Your loving Bro [Ted]

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