49.081 - ALS to Aut

ALS to Aut, sister of Reg. Apologizes for not being able to send letters more often, describes trying to locate Ted, winter setting in, the happiness of the French civilians after having been ‘set free’, commiserates with Aut about receiving food rations.


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23 Octr/18

My dear Aut.

I have a couple of letters from you the last few days but it has nigh been impossible to answer them. We have been very busy as I guess the papers bear testimony. Ted is only a few miles in front of me and if all goes well tomorrow I shall try and find him. Winter has partially set in out here but I think the allies shall keep old Fritz on

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Last edit over 3 years ago by C Thomasson
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the move all winter and try and finish the war. The French civilians seem so awfully pleased to be set free and from their looks, I guess old Fritz did not give them any more to eat than was really necessary. So they are starting to ration you over there, are they? The last time I went on leave I had a ration card and I had to go out and buy my own sugar butter and etc. and give it in to where I was staying. That is quite typical of Stan to carry his sugar around with him. Very best love write soon brother Reg

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Last edit over 3 years ago by C Thomasson
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