[postal stamp]
Mrs Robt H Ferris. 6 Nanton Court Appts Nanton Ave. Toronto Ont.
Kindness of Milligan
Halifax July 9 1918
My Dear Austie
Here we are still at Halifax on board ship and I am sure tired of the trip, they wont let ^us go ashore and there is nothing to do but sit around. the boat is not very large so we havent a very great promonade.
We only had a short time in Montreal. Only twenty minutes to get aboard ship and no body knew the city and everybod[y?] was excited & it was so hot there.
We had quite a trip down from Montreal leaving a week ago last Saturday on quite a half decent boat and the service is quite good We are travelling first class.
It was very interesting sailing down the river past Montreal and we past Quebec at night so we could not see it. Then we got down where the water became a little rougher and the fellows were not so sure of themselves. it was funny to watch the different fellows some seemed to turn kind of a green colour others became very [crossed out] pale. I kept my usual good colour
about Tuesday. I felt pretty shakey and of course I did not want to miss any meals but at the evening meal I got up and went out and made my little donation to the fishes. and I felt better after and have felt fine since.
Milligan got on our boat last Saturday but is leaving to-day. He with about 35 other Officers of the Canadian Engineers are getting off to-day they apparently are on the wrong transport. Washington went a head about a week ago and I suppose will be in England any day now There are quite a number of O.J.C. men in the 35 Officers who got on later.
The fellows are sure very tired of hanging around here and not allowed to go ashore.
That was some send off we got at the Union Station, the previous drafts never got such a send off. It sure was great.
I wired Dad last Night (Collect) saying I was well.
Write me at 34 Bedford Place London With heaps of Love to all Brother Harry. P.S. This is a hell of a place to spend a [2?st?] Birthday