[postal stamp]
Mrs R H Ferris Toronto Canad [edge of envelope torn] # 6 Nanton Court Appts Nanton Ave. Rosedale
Monday. Sept 9 1918
My Dear Aut.
Your welcome letter received to-day and you have had a nice time with all your visiters. you bet I miss the car they have a few cars around here but they are mostly for war purposes so there is not much [chances?] of getting a ride.
About [Jim/fine?]. Reg and Ted would sooner I was with the Canadians and I am of the same opinion now that I have been talking to the Australians and New Zealanders they cant understand why I should leave the Canadians but the long training in Canada pratically ten months and the commission should be taken into consideration. and the trip over travelling 1st class instead of down in the hole. But we hope the war will soon be over and then we wont have to worry.
I suppose Reg is pretty busy these days I haven't heard from him lately. I hear from Ted. he has not seen Reg since he had leave.
I have my walking-out uniform now I took some snap shots the other day and if they are any good I will send you some. the fellows say I look pretty fine in my uniform It is made very nice too. Pretty tight
We have had beautiful weather here for the month I have been here but I have a hunch its going to be pretty cold this winter. if we get lots of coal for our grate it wont be so bad.
We are just one mile from Newport the principal town of the island a town of about five thousand people. but the streets are very narrow and every body walks in the middle of the road. and the people here are just like the people we get out in Canada.
I have not met anyone yet and there are very few nice looking girls around and I dont hardly think I can [go there?].
Princess Beatrice gave some of our men the medals won on the field the other day.
Well Aut I must go down to mess so with best love. to All Brother Harry.
Aut. Find out the price of saccayrine tablets to put in your tea or coffee. They cost 50c per hundred over here R./