[inside cover] F8589_0002 Ginger beer page 31? Galleys book [MS. 17. 027 Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library University of Toronto] 2nd 1826
Minced pies
1 1/4 lb of meat 5 oz Currants when washed 5 oz Suet 3 oz Raisins when stoned 2 1/2 oz Apples when chopped
Warne's Model cookery compiled by M. Jewry. (Maria 1/- ??) The Englishwomans cookery book _ by Isabella Beeton } Ward Lock & Tyler} 1/-
Minced pies 1 1/4 lb of Meat 5 of currants when washed 5 of Suit 3 of Rasisins when stoned 2 1/2 of Apples when chopped [following in pencil - very pale] good moist sugar 2 Dracm table cloths mark in blue B 6 B 8 1..... Now […] hand […] in […] TJB Loh 302 Warre's Model cooking compiled by N. Perry. (hana!/ The Englishwomans cookery book - by Isabella Deeton, Ward Jock & Tyler 1/-
To Make Lavender Water
Half a pint of spirits of wine rectified Quarter of an oz of oil of lavender Fifteen drops of essence of ambergrease To be kept in bottle a twelvemonth before fit to use.
To Keep Knives from Rust Let the knives be quite dry then put some sallad oil on them, and then dust a little lime on them. Do not let the lime get on the handles.
Paint for iron work, not wood. Coal Tar 1 gallon Nitric Acid 1/4 pint Spirit of turpentine 1 pint To be boiled & laid on hot with a brush