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Oct. 25th - 29th 1914

going on. The guns from British ships have been doing splendid service along the coast shelling the Germans.

Sun. 25th. M. & I took the children to St. John's in the A.M. Where there was a beautiful service when the regimental colours where hung up. A number of the regiment were present but they looked quite pathetic when one thought of the others far away. Feel quite weepy at times. Major Tobin has been given command of the new contingent from here. Beautiful morning but clouded over in the aft. The Langleys took me for a motor drive.

Mon. 26th. Beautiful weather. Cleaned my room & moved into the back one for a night or two and gave up mine to Mr & Mrs [Roaf?] who arrived from [unclear]. Mr Mark came in to say "good bye" as he was off to Victoria & then England. Almost every man one knows is going now. Felt quite weepy all day. Toby is going in command of the men from here [in?] the 2nd Contingent. Turned in quite early. (in margin) Went to see Aileen & her baby.

Tues. 27th. Another lovely day. Felt very cheerful. Sat out on the verandah & sewed a good bit. Went to Vera Allan's (Vera Kerr's) to tea. She has such a pretty little house. Several other people there. Walked home with Margaret [Brian?] as I went to [unclear] "Big Jim's" for some mags. Did some more mending in the eve. Cut my thumb while helping Rose with the dishes. (in margin) Mr & Mrs [Rae?] called.

Wed. 28th. Washed brushes, ironed some things & sat out on the verandah & got through quite a lot of mending. Weather beautiful fine & warm. Gets foggy & damp at sunset tonight. Mr [Roaf?] left after dinner. Gave the kiddies a bath. Helped with the dishes. Mended & read in the eve.

Thurs. 29th. Mixed weather, rain dullness & a little sunshine. Moved back to my room. Cleaned out the cupboard thoroughly. Started off with the baby in his carriage to see Aileen at the West End Hospital. However the wheel came off his carriage so I had to bring him home. Went by myself aft. & then went to Rolly's to tea. Adele Reeve came in

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