Dec. 2nd - 9th 1914
with Margaret. Kirk came in too with them all.
Wed, 2nd. Very busy day. Did not go out. Got up very late.
Thurs. 3rd. Rainy day. Went in town directly after lunch. Took some photos to the "Province" of the Highlanders cheering the King & Queen. Wrote bertie a long letter in the eve.
Frid. 4th. Went in town after lunch. Bought some garters & a white blouse. Was going to a meeting of our chapter but was too late. Had tea with Mrs Hutcheson (a Miss Whitteker? was there) & then called on Mrs Ward. The Allens, [unclear], K. Graham & Mrs [Plummer?] were there. Got a wire from Ottawa saying "your application for transportation approved. Have written" signed Gen. Macdonald. Quite exciting. Am awaiting the letter with much interest. Sat by the fire in the eve. & tried to think things out. Feel rather puzzled [as?] to what I ought to do.
Sat. 5th. Did not go out all day. Was busy looking after the children etc. Sadie had tea with me & told my fortune after. Rose was out in the eve. & so was Margaret for a while so I had a busy time washing the dishes & getting the children to bed. Took a hot bath later. The library chimeny caught on fire which caused a little excitement. Digby was out so Mr Hepburn came over.
Sun. 6th. Margaret has a sore throat so stayed in bed all morning. I went to Communion Service at [1?.30]. Saw the Hutchesons coming out. Read & had a nap in the aft. & went to the Langleys to tea. Mrs Robertson & Mr Wilson were there. Went to eve. service after putting the kiddies to bed. Began a book called "[unclear] of [unclear]".
Mon. 7th. Lovely day. Wen in town after the usual work with the kiddies & tidying up. Got some cards to send to Salisbury Plains. Walked home. Washed the luncheon dishes for Rose (washing day). Lady Tupper was here to tea. Got a letter from the Government enclosing a pass to Ottawa! Have very mixed feelings about going out but I suppose it is too good a chance to use. Mrs Russell, Mrs Hamber & Miss Cowan were here to tea.
Tues, 8th. Moved my room to the back one as it is warmer. Did some mending in the eve.
Wed. 9th. Beautiful day. Miss Manuel took some snap-shots of me in my kilt out on the lawn. Letter from Toots. Sent off some cards to the Seaforths at Salisbury in the eve.
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