March 16th - 19th.
Tues. 16th. Spent the morning writing - went to the 12.30 Service of Intercession at St. Saviour's. Went down to the stores in the aft. as I had left 2/ charge there which I got. Wrote again after tea. A Rumanian girl had the room next me - escorted her over to dinner & home afterwards. We talked French & I'm going to try to keep it up while with her.
Wed. 17th. St. Patrick's Day. Wrote Kathleen Graham in the A.M. I usually spend some time in the drawing room at no. 21 after breakfast reading the paper. Went up to Harley St. in the aft. to see Dr Donald Armour & give him my letter of introduction from his sister but he was out. I walked down Bond St. & when I got to Oxford Circus was hailed by a soldier boy who turned out to be Morris Warwick. He is in the Temple training Corps. At dinner got a message from Mrs Watson-Taylor to whom I had posted a note in the morning, asking me to lunch the following day. Spent most of the eve. by the drawing room fire reading & talking.
Thurs. 18th. Cold wet morning - fog & sleet, but the sun came out in the aft. Re'cd a note from Dr Armour, one from Lady Carrington (to whom I had also a letter of introduction) asking me to tea, a letter from Dorothy, a soldier's card from Pete Whitley at the Front & the note I wrote to the man Huntley returned so I expect he was a fraud after all. At tea-time I got a wire from Capt. Dowding asking me to call as he had heard from Bertie. I lunched with Mrs Watson-Taylor who is staying with her people the Tennants at 19 [unclear] Boltons. A miss Randell (?) was there too. Saw the baby 10 weeks old. She isn't pretty but looks heatlhy which is the main thing.
Frid. 19th. Went to Capt. Dowdings' office. He had a letter from Bertie giving his permission for me to work in the office. I went to Cox's Bank after that but they had not heard from B. Went to the noon service at the Abbey. Did some sewing after lunch & went to tea with Lady Carrington Oxford Sq. Thought it was Oxford Circus so was very late getting there. She advised me not to take up nursing & though they need helpers in the [unclear] in France the people she knows have to pay 10/ for their board which is too much for me. Came home on top of a bus - lovely evening though the morning had been cold. Sat by the fire talked after dinner - war of course.
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'Dr Donald Armour' was likely Dr Donald John Armour (1869-1933). More information on him can be found the Royal College Surgeons on England's website: