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London, England.

March 31st - April 5th.

Wed. 31st. Office. Lunched at the stores. Felt tired & turned in quite early in the eve. Have a bad cold sore on my nose.


Thurs. 1st. Did not feel up to going to the office. Read the paper by the fire after [brekker?] & later went up to Harley St. to see Dr Armour about nursing - he couldn't tell me much though. Stopped at Peter Robinson's on the way & bought a veil & some handkerchiefs. While I was getting the latter I discovered the lady next met at the counter was Mrs Goodchild - late of Vancouver. She asked me to go to tea with her next day. Did some more shopping after lunch at an A.B.C. Got a chicken for Dorothy's baby & some chocolate eggs for herself & sent off the parcel when I got home - also a big egg filled with cigarettes for Bertie. Was very tired.

Frid. 2nd. Good Friday. Went to the office for half a day - only half the staff there. Then went to Service at St. John's, Smith Square, close by. The Rev. Mr Fearn with the Service & preached in a very interesting manner. Came home & then went by bus, underground & taxi to Mrs Goodchild's, Dorset St. We had a good Vancouver & war chat. Wrote Bertie in the eve.

Sat. 3rd. Rainy day. Office till 5 P.M. Lunched with Miss Wansell (the head stenog.) at Lyon's. Walked along Victoria St. with Miss Frisbee coming home & bought a potted hydrangea for Mrs [Pallant?]. Also bought chocolates for the maids at no. 21. Did a little mending when I came home in the eve.

Easter Sunday 4th. Went to early service at St. Saviour's & went to the 11 o'clock service at Christ Church off Victoria St - Dr Aglionby's Church. It is a beautiful old church & the [unclear] was beautifully decorated with primroses. Sorted papers & did them up to send away after dinner & after tea stayed at 21 & knitted. Knitted a little after supper again.

Mon. 5th. Easter Monday. A bank holiday so only put in half a day at the office. Went up to the Orchard's in the aft. & stayed to supper. Went out on top of a bus & returned inside one. Mr Silver was there & he & Ruby came down to the station & put me in my bus coming home. Letter from Bertie - all well. They were at Neuve Chapelle though not in the thick of the fighting. No special war news. The Germans continue to sink a merchant ship or two every day & the Russians continue to advance in Austria. Heavy fighting going on in the Carpathians there.

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