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April 6th. 1915. Wrote Bertie.

Tues. 6th. Lunched in Victoria St & bought one or two things at the stores after - including a cake for tea. Lost my muff coming home from 21 in the eve. Felt very sorry about it.

Wed. 7th. Beautiful day. Office. Walked up as far as Victoria Station with Miss Frisbee & then went on to Gerald Rd. Police [unclear] to leave word about my muff. Wrote Florence.

Thurs. 8th. [addition at the top:] Lunched with with Miss [Wansall?] we went to Scotland Yd. about my muff.

Office. Wrote Auntie in the eve. Letter from Jack. All well. Lovely weather.

Frid. 9th. Office. Stayed over at no. 21 & knitted after dinner. War news continues cheerful. Russia advancing in the Carpathians & the French in Eastern France. The British repulsed a night attack with heavy loss to the enemy.

Sat. 10th. Worked at the office all day. Stayed till seven. Letter from Margaret. Spent the eve. with Miss Daley & Miss [Tunstal?].

Sun. 11th. Went back to work - all the staff there as we had to get the draft books off for Monday. Stayed till 7.30. Brought Miss Wansall home to lunch with me.

Mon. 12th. Office. Wrote a note to Max Reed & one to Miss Rebbick in the eve.

Tues. 13th. Office. Cold wind blowing. Wrote Jack. Letter from Florence. The Russians continue their successes in the Carpathians & the French in the Meuse-[unclear] district. Miss Keating, who has just returned from France, sits at our table & had interesting tales to tell. She admires the French soldiers very much.

Wed. 14th. Office. Came home & went back a new way at lunch through side streets - not very aristocratic but quaint & interesting. Came back in the eve. the same way - or partly the same as I got a bit mixed up. Wrote Bertie before dinner went to an Intercessional Service at St. Saviour's in the eve.

Thurs. 15th. Office. Letter from Capt. Scudamore - also [one?] from Miss Rae in which she asked me to go up to Aberdeen for a visit. Stayed over at no. 21 most of the eve. Read the papers & knitted. Sir John Frenches' dispatch about Neuve Chapelle has been published. It also speaks of an exploit of the Princess Pats in which which Talbot Papineau figured. They took some trenches & prisoners.

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Hugo M. Coulombe

Entry from 10th April 1915: 'Margaret' was likely Margaret Gillies (née Leckie) (1875-1940) - Edith's sister.

Entry from 15th April 1915:

- 'Sir John French' is mentioned, this was Field Marshal John Denton Pinkstone French, 1st Earl of Ypres (1852-1925).
- 'Talbot Papineau' was Major Talbot Mercer Papineau (1883-1917).