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April 7th - 23rd.

Frid. 16th. Have my Easter hols. & don't go back till Tues. Read the paper, did some mending & wrote Talbot Papineau in the A.M. After lunch went to Cox's bank where I cashed a cheque & deposited the money at the Bank of Montreal. Met Ruby at Evan's & after [doing?] a little shopping we had tea there & then went to a movie [at?] the Pavillion. Much the same style as the Dominion in Vancouver. Note from Lady Carringotn giving me the address of a lady who is going to start a Rec. [unclear] for soldiers.

Sat. 17th. Did some knitting & darning. Anz. Lady C's note in the A.M. Miss Dalley - Miss [left blank] & I went out to Richmond in the aft. getting back just in time for dinner. It was a beautiful aft. & we went out & came back on top of a bus, had a stroll in the park, tea on the terrace & a row on the river. Everything looked lovely in the spring sunshine & fresh green. There were a number of Belgian & French soldiers about with their wives & sweethearts & of course lots of our [unclear] soldiers. Miss Dalley is from India & Miss [left blank] is Scotch.

Sun. 18th Beautiful morning. Spent the day principally in my room - writing, sorting papers etc. Went to eve. service at St. Gabriel's.

Mon. 19th. Primrose Day. Glorious weather. Went down Victoria St. on top of a bus & put a bunch of primroses on Lord Beaconsfield's statue wich was beautifully decorated - at least I threw my little bunch inside the railings. Bought a few trifles at the A. & N. Went out to [unclear] with Miss Durward in the aft. - it was glorious!

Tues. 20th. Back to the office again!

Wed. 21st. Office. Read & wrote in the eve.

Thurs 22nd. Office. Read & wrote in the eve.

Frid. 23rd. Office. Walked round by Victoria St. after lunch & bought some roses to wear. Had a little party here in the eve. Miss Dalley & Miss [Tarnoski?]. We sat over the fire & talked & did some crystal gazing. Miss Dalley saw a big [unclear] in it when she looked for one.
St. George's Day.

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