London. April 29th - May 1st. 1915.
Thurs. 29th. Office. Wrote. [unclear] is among the wounded & missing & I feel very badly about it.
Frid. 30th. [Sally's?] birthday. Lovely warm weather. Skipped lunch & went over to see two of our men in St. Thomas' Hospital. Miss Durward came with me. The men were Sergt. Bennet of the Machine Gun Section (Reggie Tupper's) & Pte [Forester?]. They were both very cheerful [unclear] though Sergt. Bennet had had his arm blown off by a shell, just as he was going over to help Reggie Tupper who had fallen. He then rolled about 3/4 of a mile back & through a brook before he was picked up! He said they all loved Mr Tupper. The hosptial is lovely & they must be well cared for. We took them both flowers. Pte [Forester?] was not so badly wounded. Wrote in the eve.
May 1st.
Sat. 1st. Another lovely day. Office till one. Stopped in at the Tate Gallery for about twenty minutes on my way home. Had a nap after lunch. Miss Dalley & I had tea together & she came up with me to Miss Pollack's nursing home where I saw Capt. Goodall & Mr Gilliat again - also Major Barré, Mr Young & a Mr Paget (I thought he was the one from [unclear] but he wasn't) are getting on well. Capt Jakes (brother of Betty & Laura) was there & is [unclear]. Afterwards Miss Dalley & I went to a picture show. Miss Powell had asked me to go to lunch & a theatre but I refused. However Geoff Holmes rang me up at dinner & asked me to go to a play so I accepted as I wanted to see him & the [boys like?] to be jolly while they are in town. He called for me & we went to see "Three Spoonfuls" which was very funny & made me laugh in spite of the dreadful
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