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May 2nd - 7th.

[unclear]. We had supper at the Trocadero after. Geoff [looks?] very well - he is a Sub. Lieut. in the Royal Field Artillery & expects to go to the Front before long.

Sun. 2nd. Another lovely warm day. Went to Trinity Church in the A.M. & then walked down to Wilton Rd. with Miss Dalley (she came to church with me) & bought some cigarettes & cakes. Geoff came to tea. We had it on the balcony (Miss Dalley with us) & afterwards I took him to the Tate Gallery. Wrote after supper.

Mon. 3rd. Office. Wrote. Capt. Fleming's brother came in to his office.

Tues. 4th. Office. Lunched in town & went to see Private Thomas at the Westminster (Broad Sanctuary) Hospital. He is a very amusing man & told me some funny tales - even about shelling the trenches. He [told?] one about Capt. Merritt as he was in his company. Capt. Fleming's brother had asked me to enquire for Capt. Merritt's mother. Thomas said that the last time he saw Capt. Merritt was before they got go the [wood?]. He told them to open order & added "stick to it boys give them hell!" Wrote in the eve.

Wed. 4th. Office. Quite a hot day. Walked home by Victoria St. at the end of the day, & stopped at the station & bought a "Vogue". Wrote Mrs Merritt in the eve.

Thurs. 5th. Office. Wrote.

Frid. 6th. Office. Went to see Sergt. Bennet & Pte Forester at St. Thomas, Miss Dalley came with me. Sergt. Bennet is to be operated on on Monday. Pte Forester was up & about. Warm day. News of the sinking of the Lusitania by the Hun pirates - another of their diabolical deeds. There is a picture of the Can. Scottish in the Daily Express, as they charged in the [wood].

Sat. 7th. Office till 5. Then went up to the Royal National Ortheopaedic Hospistal & saw Pte Snail of the 16th such a nice man. He had shrapnel in his back but is getting on very well.

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Hugo M. Coulombe

N.B. Edith got some of the dates wrong, viz. from Wednesday the 4th of May 1915, in fact this was Wednesday the 5th and so on for the rest of the week.