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May 8th - 12th. 1915.

Sun. 8th. Glorious weather. Meant to go out to Bromley to luncheon with Henslow & his wife, but found when I got down to Victoria there wasn't another train till one so came back to lunch & took a train at two. Took a cab to the house. First watched a battalion - or half a battalion of the South Staffords go off to the war very quietly - just a small crowd waving farewell. Found Henslow & some friends playing tennis. They were Dr Cogswell, Pte Willet (Mrs H. O.'s brother) Pte & later a [Miss?] & Mr Cave (the latter also in the army. Mrs H. O. & I went to a hospital before tea & saw Pte [unclear] of the 16th who had been shot through the thigh. He had been pretty bad but is getting better. Sat out in the [unclear] after the tea at the OS & watched the tennis. Stayed to supper. Mr Willet & Mr [Barni?] came most of the way home with me in the train but had to get out at Penge.

Mon. 9th. Office. Warm day. Wrote.

Tues. 10th. Office. Stopped at the stores at lunch time to get some things for Jack. Heard that they had found [Scudey?] & also that Reggie Tupper had died, but do not believe the latter. Felt very cut up about [Scudey?].

Wed. 11th. [part above:] Letter from Toots.

Office. Hear [Scudey?], Mr Lindsay & Victor McLean have not been killed but all prisoners which is good news though it is a terrible thing to be in the hands of Germans. Heard Ernest was killed or wounded but could not verify it fortunately & in a letter from Jack re'cd at night - he speaks of Ernest going down to work in a Base Hospital so he must be O.K. [unclear] against Germans in different parts of the city - houses & shops destroyed.

Thurs. 12th. Rainy day. Took a taxi to the office. Luncheon in Victoria St. & bought a pair of "goloshes" at the stores. Went in to see Pte Thomas on my way home. He is getting on well. Took him an "Illustrated L. News" with pictures of the Can. Scottish. Read & did up some papers in the eve.

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