May 14th - 18th.
Frid. 14th. Office. Got off in the aft. & did some shopping in Oxford & Regent Sts. Tea at Buzzards. Miss Doré came over to see me in the eve. Card from Rolly asking me to go down to Tonbridge for the week-end.
Sat. 15h. Office. Found a new place for lunch - almost round the corner & kept by some ladies so it's quite nice. Came home about four-thirty - changed, put some things in a box & took a taxi to Charing Cross & then the train to Tonbridge where Rolly & a Miss Warner met me. Drove up to "High Hilden", her sister's house. It is a beautiful place the prettiest house I've ever stayed in - very large too. Had not much time before changing for dinner after which Rolly, Mrs [unclear] & I sat in the Boudoir & talked. Went up to Rolly's room to brush my hair after my bath & had a good gossip.
Sun. 16th. Rather variable sun & cloud but no rain. Breakfast about ten. Then Rolly, Frances - the eldest boy - & I strolled about the beautiful gargen & greenhouses. Later Mrs [unclear], Rolly & I went for a walk accross the fields to some beautiful woods [unclear] of [unclear] bells. Rolly & I spent the aft in the conservatory - the children with us part of the time. Wrote notes to Adèle & Marion & read. Had tea there. Mrs [unclear], Rolly & I walked to church at Leigh accross the fields. It was lovely! Supper when we got back & then the boudoir for a little while again.
Mon. 17th. Rolly & I left by the 10.29 A.M. train. Pouring wet morning. Took a taxi to my room with my box - stopped in at 21 for a glance & then to lucnh at the stores. Afterwards had a glimpse at the Canadian papers in Victoria St. & then said "good-bye" to Rolly at the Dean's yard. Office till seven. Miss Haddock came in to see me in the eve. Letter from Bertie with lots of advice & a note from Mrs Goodchild but troops are making good progress in France.
Tues. 18th. Another rainy day. Office. Went to the "shield" for lunch & came back at once to work. Took my material into the dressmaker next door in the eve. Also
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