May 24th, Victoria Day - 27th.
a broken arm - Mr Jamison killed & some some others wounded "Pett" Whitley has been wounded we saw in the paper. We all had lunch together at the Club & Jack went off later but came to supper. Dorothy & I had tea together & then she went to call on the Aglionbys & I went to see Mrs Rolstone in hospital. Miss Lawrence Gen. Lawrence's daugther came in while I was there. After supper Dorothy spent the night with me.
Mon. 24th. Victoria Day - also Whit Monday. Beautiful weather - pretty warm. Dorothy & I walked up ot Churton St. P.O. after breakfast & after had a lovely walk through Chelsea which is looking beautiful. We met Jack in Picadilly about one & lunched with him at the Criterion. Then we saw Dorothy off at King's Cross & then Jack & I drove to Mrs Arnoldi's house in Kensington which has been turned into a hospital. Mrs Godson, her sister Mrs Hornby (a charming woman) & Capt Goodall were there. We saw some Canadian officiers first - & then Jack & I went in to see Major Godson. He looked better than I expected but it was sad to see him all the same & listen to his laboured breathing. He can only speak in a faint whisper. He was shot through the throat & through the back. Afterwards I went back to tea with Mrs G. & Mrs Hornby at Gt. Portland St. & then they came to dinner with me & over to my room after.
Tues. 25th. Office. Did a little shopping at the stores at lunch time. Met Miss Haddock there & she helped me choose a hat (untrimmed). Sat out on the balcony at the Club after dinner. The Square looks so pretty now. Wrote Bertie when I got in.
Wed. 26th. Office. Letter from [unclear] [Mecker?]. Her engagement is "off" again. For good this time I imagine. Went to the High Commissioner's Office at lunch time & read the papers - no new Canadian ones though. Miss [Durward?] came over to my room in the eve. for a while. Lovely day - really hot.
[in margin:] Wrote Auntie.
Thurs. 27th. Office. Jack came in about noon much to my surprise. He has longer leave on account of his heel which has to be treated or he'll be lame they say.
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