London. May 28th.
Sat in the Gardens after lunch at the "Shield". Both French & British are progressing in France. The casualty lists continue to be terrible each day. The Canadians have been busy. Whitley is reported discharged to duty I'm glad to say. Letter from Auntie & note from Mrs Goodchild. Wrote in the eve.
Frid. 28th. Office. Did some shopping at Gorringe's.
Sat. 29th. Office. Letter from Mrs Moss - her brother - Peter Johnstone in the 16th was killed in the Wood at Langemarck. I'm so very sorry. Saw Billy Tennant's name among the "killed" at the office & Reggie Tupper is still reported "seriously ill & will receive visitors". Capt. Dowding thinks that means he's going. My half day "off". Wrote most of the aft. again in the eve.
Sun. 30th. Stayed at home in the A.M. & wrote. Met Mrs Godson at Mrs Arnoldi's (nursing home) in the aft. Major G. seems much better I am delighted to say. Capt. Goodall was there & afterwards he & Mrs G. & I went up to see [unclear] Davis & then they came back to tea with me which we had on the verandah off the drawing room. Went to Church in the eve.
Mon. 31st. Office. Took one of the girls in the office home in a taxi as she was ill. Gavin Davis came in after lunch for a while. Felt tired all day. Lunched at the "Shield" & Miss Wanstall & I had a little walk in the Gardens after. The Russians have had a big success in Galicia. Wrote Rolly.
Tues. 1st. Office. Jack came in. Mrs Black & I lunched at "The Corner House" in the [Strand?]. It was quite jolly. Wrote Bertie, Miss Rae & Mrs Nelson in the eve.
Wed. 2nd. Office. Mrs B. & I went to the stores after lunch (at the Shield). Bought "With the Allies" & sent it to Bertie for a birthday present. Went to an Intercession service at Trinity Church after diner. Wrote Miss Tarnoski after. Letter from her, from Dorothy, from cousin Ellen & Ned Reynolds.
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