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June 3rd - 11th.

Thurs. 3rd. Office. The King's Birthday but no celebrations.

Frid. 4th. Bertie's birthday. Office. My eyes got quite sore so I did not do any work in the eve. Miss Haddock & I sat out in the Gardens & then we came up to my room & she began teaching me the "Fox Trot" - the latest dance. Later we made respirators in case the Germans dropped poison bombs. There was an air raid here on Monday night - four children, a man & a woman killed.

Sat. 5th. Office. Dined with Mrs Orchard & Gerty.

Sun. 6th. Went to Trinity Church in the A.M. & stayed to Communion. Met Mrs Godson at Mrs Arnoldi's in the aft. Sergt. Wolfe of the 16th was there & later on who should pop in but John [unclear] - just a [week?] & [unclear] Canada & stationed in Shorncliffe. He looks awfully well. He drove Mrs G. & I to Lady Ridley's Hospital where we saw Reggie who has just been brought over from France. Janet was there with him. I went back to tea with Mrs G. at her friend Mrs Watkin's flat. Went to church (St. Gabriel's) on my way home but came out before the sermon. Miss Haddock & I had a little walk along the Embankment after super.

Mon. 7th. Office. Went up to Derry & Toms at lunch time & bought a couple of summer dresses. Hot day. Miss [unclear] came over & sat with me in the eve.

Wed. 9th. Office in the A.M. Lunched with Mrs Godson at Mrs Watkin's flat - Mrs W. & her son being there of course. We expected Max [Reid?] but he did not turn up. Afterwards Mrs G. & I went to see her husband. Gavin Davis came in while we were there & drove us up to Gt. Portland St. I went to miss Pollock's to see Mr Young. Ben [Sweeny?] was there. Miss Haddock came up to my room in the eve. I did some sewing.

Thurs. 10th. Office. Janet Tupper dined with me. She told me of her engagement to Mr Holland of the Gordon Highlanders. After dinner we went out & sat in the Gardens & had a good chat. Mrs Black & I went to Derry & Toms at noon as I had a fitting but the dress was not ready so I telephoned them afterwards to keep it.

Frid. 11th. Office. Miss Wanstall & I lunched together at the "Shield" & afterwards we went up to the stores & I got the photos Bertie sent over to me printed. Was [very?] [sleepy?] in the eve. & turned in early.

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