June 12th - 15th.
Sat. 12th. Office. Lunched at the Corner House with Mrs Black & her brother Mr Squires - such a nice man, Mrs B. & I walked back through St. James' Park. Stayed later to work. Did a little mending after sitting out on the balcony a while after dinner. Russia is "coming back" & licking the enemy in Galicia. Both Italy & France advancing well.
Sun. 13th. Spent the A.M. writing & doing "odd jobs". Wrote Bertie. Went to see Reggie Tupper in the aft. Walked accross St. James' Park & listened to the band en route. Then went up to see Mrs Goodchild & her baby which is rather delicate I am sorry to say. Went to eve. service at St. Saviour's. Wrote after supper. Lovely weather.
Mon. 14th. Office. Went up to Gorringe's at lunch time & bought a light silk coat - a very pretty one. War news continues cheeful - the French & Italians are both advancing on their various fronts. We remain quiet. Russia also after recent victories.
Tues. 15th. [note above:] [unclear] Mrs Hornby & Doris came in late. Doris [unclear] putting up.
Anniversary of Quatre Bras & the famous fall in Brussels. Once more the cannon is roaring round that city. I wonder what changes there will be in another century if the world still lives! Office all day. Came back directly after lunch & worked as I left early so as to dress for dinner with Janet Tupper. Doris came in while I was dressing. Taxied up to the Bentick where Janet lives. Found she did not expect me till tomorrow night & was going out to the theatre with the Godsons. Felt very hurt with the G's - Doris especially as she had said nothing about it though I told her I was dining with Janet. Taxied home almost immediately after dinner. Miss Haddock & I had a walk in the Gardens & I told her what had happened. She agreed with me it was rather shabby considering Doris is sharing my room & I've given up my bed to her & am sleeping on the sofa. Card from Bertie. He's well thank goodness.
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