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June 16th - 20th.

Wed. 16th. Office. Lunched at the "Corner House" with Mrs Black. Major Rae came in the office in the aft. He is home on leave with gastritis & at Miss Pollock's. He looks pretty fit though. Mrs Godson wrote & asked if Doris could stay with me till Friday. [Note?] from Miss Powell asking me to lunch with her in Croydon on Sunday which I wrote & accepted.

Thurs. 17th. Office. Mrs B. & I lunched at the "Shamrock Tea Rooms" & afterwards went to Gorringe's to look at some dresses but I did not get one. However I bought a white & mauve stripped muslin at Parnell's on the way home in the eve. After dinner Miss [unclear] & I had a little walk in the Gardens & then she came over & talked to me for a while in my room.

Frid. 18th. Office. Lunched at the "Shields" then went to the "[unclear]" & bought a blue linen suit. The weather turned quite cold later & I had a fire in my room in the eve. Was very sleepy & went to sleep in my chair. Miss Haddock came up for a while. Doris left in the A.M.

Sat. 19th. Office. Lunched at the Corner House with Mrs B. & Miss Fitzpatrick (?). Capt. Goodall came in to the office in the A.M. & Gavin Davis & Major Rae in the aft. Miss Haddock & I had a walk along the Embankment after dinner. Then pressed some chiffon [unclear] lace for a petticoat. Note from Mrs Goodchild saying she had heard from [unclear] saying he had heard from me - my p.c. evidently he did not get my letter.

Sun. 20th. Miss Hardman came with me to buy some cakes in Wilton Rd. in the A.M. & later I took the 12.15 train to Croydon where I lunched with Miss Powell & her cousins Mr & Mrs Manning. Then she took me over to meet Mrs & Miss Mainwaring & we had tea there & then Miss Powell took me to the station. Got back at five & Major Rae arrived shortley after & I had a second tea with him out on the balcony. I had asked the Godsons but they couldn't come. Went to eve. service at Holy Trinity.

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Hugo M. Coulombe

Regarding entry dated 20th June 1915: 'Mrs & Miss Mainwaring' may have been Emma Horspool (1860-1941) and her daughter Gwendoline Mainwaring (1886-1976). Emma was separated from her husband (Alexander Mainwaring). Emma and Gwendoline were from and lived in England (I believe in Cambridge). Emma Horspool was Max Mainwaring's mother (and Gwendoline was his sister) - Max was Florence Mainwaring's husband (Edith's sister).
I know for a fact that Edith knew Gwendoline because I saw a letter dated 10 August 1957 written by Gwendoline, sent to Robert Mainwaring (Florence and Max's son) saying: 'Aunt Edith sent me a picture pc when you were at Clovelly one day (I suppose) as she says you were mending the verandah there – you are quite a “Man of Property”!'

Hugo M. Coulombe

Addition to previous note: confirmed these people were Emma and Gwendoline Mainwaring - see entry dated 23rd June 1915.