Military diary from Seven Years' War in North America



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Last edit about 1 year ago by UTL_isobel
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orders _ by Major Gene: Hopson, at Cork. 1757. Tuesday: 26th April. Parole. Cork. Field Officer of the day tomorrow Major Feyrac?. It is MG: Hopson’s orders that all former orders are obey’d. The Field Officer of the day to be with M:G: Hopson at nine o’clock in the morning to receive the Parole. Wednesday. 27th: April. Parole Dublin. The Officers Commanding Regiments to meet MG: Hopson this day at one o’clock. Captain Hargreaves of Colo: Perry’s Regiment is appointed Major of Brigade, to the Expedition ^ and is to be observed as such. Lieut: Cook of the Royal - being appointed to act as Aid de Camp to Major Genl: Hopson, and Captain

Last edit 8 months ago by University of Toronto Libraries
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Captain Monnypenny of Colo: Perry’s Regt: is appointed Aide de Camp to the Rt: Honble: Major General Lord Charles Hay, _ They are to be observed as such. All ^ those Regiments whose Chaplains are not absent with the Government’s leave are to be provided immediately with Deputy Chaplains, by the Commanding Officers. - orderly time. at one o’clock in ye, old Barracks. - Returns of Officers names ^ Ranks & time of Service, at Home & abroad of the State of the Arms & accoutrements, to be given in as soon as possible. The proper Compliments to be paid to Vice Admiral Holbourne

Last edit 8 months ago by University of Toronto Libraries
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and to Commodore Holmes, by all Guards, &_ Centrys to be sent to their Houses from the nearest Guards. The Commanding Officers of Regiments to send directly their Quarter Masters to examine their Camp Equipage on Board their several ships, and to make a Return of the several quantitys ^ there. & whether good or bad, with a Return of all Deficiency's. MG: Hopson will Review to morrow morning at ten o'clock. Colo: Forbes's, M:G: Kennedy's, & Colo: Perry's Regiments. a Field Return of each Regt:, as Review'd to be given in to the General, as they march by

Last edit about 1 year ago by UTL_isobel
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The new Guard not to Mount to morrow, till after the Review of the three Regiments is over. Field Officer of the Day to morrow Lieut: Colo: James

at Cork 28th: April 1757. Parole _ Limerick. Field Officer for the day tomorrow Major Darby. The nonCommission'd Officers and private men to be well provided with Shirts, Shoes Stockings & Spatterdashes, also with Checked Shirts, & all necessary appointments, as well as possible. Report to be made in writing, to what time the several Regiments are Accounted with & Cleared, this relates to the Mens Accounts. A Guard to be kept on Board each Transport

Last edit 8 months ago by University of Toronto Libraries
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