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Military diary from Seven Years' War in North America
[text on left side of image pg?] [text upside down] taken by the French the 9th instant. About 4 afternoon, the Success of 20 Guns, Capt: Ourry, Commodore, with 2 small vessells, Colo: Governor Laurence with the 27th: 43d: & 46th: Regts: parted Company with Lord Loudoun, & Stood to the Bay of Fundy. Saturday 20th: May August. at eight in the morning, spoke with the Sloop that brought intelligence from new York, that Fort William Henry was taken, & Fort Edward besieged. Tuesday the 30th: August, came to an Anchor at the Hook, Lord Loudoun & most of the Fleet, kept out at Sea. Wednesday the 31st: August, came to New York, Lord Loudoun & part of the Fleet arrived at New York the same day.
[text on left side of image pg?] [text is upside down] 46th: Regiments, parted Company, and Sail'd for the Bay of Fundy. Weds Wednesday, 17th: August, about nine in the morning, Admiral Holbourne, Lr: Charles Hardy, Commodore Holmes with 16 Sail of the Line, & Frigates, parted from Lord Loudoun in the Winchilsea, with the Sutherland of 50 Guns, the Kennington, the Jamaica & Hawk, with 8 Battalions, vizz: the 17th: 22d: 42d: 44th: 48th: 55th:, 2d: & 4th: of Royal Americans. & 4 Companys of Rangers. Thursday 18th: Aug: Off of Cape Sable - about 10 in the morning a sloop join'd the Fleet from Boston, ^4 days passage, with news that Fort William Henry was taken
[text on left side of image?] [text upside down] Tuesday 9th: Aug: 1757. at Halifax, Lord Loudoun Embarked on Board the Winchilsea, of 20 Guns,^Capt: Hale with Capt: Rous Rowse, about 1/2 past six afternoon, saluted by the Town with 19 Guns, & with 15 by the Winchilsea Govr: Laurence, to go on Board the Success, of 20 Guns, Paul Ourry Capt:, 15th: Aug: The Island Batterys Saluted Lord Loudoun with 19 Guns. Tuesday the 16th: Aug: at 5 in the morning the whole Fleet weigh'd, & stood out to Sea. Wind W & B N: about 132 Sail of Vessells, whereof 17 of the Line, in the evening Capt: Ourry in the Succefs of 20 Guns, with 2 Sloops of War, Governor Laurence, The 27th: 43d: &
[text on left side of image][text upside down] the 17th: & 55th: with what came with Lord Loudoun to Sail again with Lord Loudoun. at 1/2 after ten morning, The Admiral made a Signal to Unmoore, & afterwards to weigh. at 6 1/2 afternoon weighed And Sail'd down the Harbour. was Saluted by the Town with 13 Guns - Anchored low down the Harbour Sunday 7th: August. Capt Gorkam return'd from Cape Briton, he had been out days The Baltimore^ C: Owens, saild out about two o'clock, afternoon, for England. Jones a Jew confined for spreading a Report that there were only 5 of the Line at Louisburgh.
Hallyfax Camp July yc 20th 1757 hepering Smal arme L.S [?] d a struck out and unclear 2 6 any seron?....0 " 4 Case offordning New fissing. } 0 1 “ Hamers....1 a .New Brick.......0 2 0 a New Light or Lamp } ..0 0 6 dondland …..} 4 Brased..........4 a New Swell and Pince 0 0 8 a New Cake is ....0 2 6 a new mine spring or tumber 0 1 6
Culinary and medicinal domestic recipe book
To Brew Porter
Six Bushels of Porter Malt and six pounds of brown hops, moisten the malt with water that has boiled which must be set to cool as it must not be used hot nor have any cold water put to it -- when the malt is properly wetted leak on sixty gallons of boiling water, let the mash stand three hours and let the porter boil two hours with the six pounds of hops: to be worked with yeast as beer. -- After the porter is brewed put twenty pailfuls of boiling water to the mash -- let it stand on the mash two hours
boil it one hour and work it as usual. --
To make Blacking
1 1/2 pints of vinegar, quarter of a pound of ivory black, wine glass of oil of vitriol table spoonful sweet oil, 2 table spoonfuls of honey and a lemon. -- To make Tracing paper
1/2 oz of Canada balsam 2 oz of spirits of wine mixed in a bottle. Place the bottle into a jug of hot water & then shake it. Wash the mixture over a piece of silver paper with a feather of a pen. a dish Mrs. Berkley French bouille (alias beef boiled to rags) eaten with sliced melon & pepper. A. Fountaine
For Red Mange
3/4 of an oz quicksilver to be worked together 4 oz of pork lard till it becomes an ointment Then add and warm over the fire 1 pound of soft soap 1 1/2 pint oil of turpentine 3 ozs of common turpentine When the above is melted rub it well into the dogs coat -- taking care not to let it touch his eyes. -- The dog must be kept warm -- and have warm broth and a dose of opening phisic for three days -- the phisic to be given every other day. -- Watsons Paste or syrup of Buckthorn. --