1811 May
which we drove them in we were exposed to a severe fire from the batteries, but fortunately only had 5 men from our picket wounded in case you should not be aware of the situation at Badajos, I will describe it to you as concisely as possible Badajos is situated on the opposite side the Guadiana on this side is a strong little Fort called St. Christovel it is on a height about 400 yds. from the bridge at this end of the bridge there is a tete du pont strongly fortified, which is connected to the town by a bridge of 37 arches we lost a few men in our working & covering parties
10th We were turned out about 8 o’clock in the morning on hearing that the French had taken possession of our battery Majr. Birmingham of our Regt., who commanded the Lt. Co. of our Brigade, applied for our Grenadier Co. which was accordingly given him our Captain was on a working party, so that Lt. Levinge, my Brother Subaltern, commanded the Co.
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