



Status: Page Status Transcribed

1867 Nov 17 Sun. Cold and a flurry of snow p.m.
No church. Dom. B. gone to convention
Frank to dinner. M. to Presn. Ch. p.m.
18 Winter seems to be begun. The ground
is frozen hard. Therm. 12 degrees below freezing
19 Bright morn but bitter cold 10 degrees 25 lbs flour 16/-
Sandy H. a.m. with M. in carr.
Arthur is sick. Load saw dust p.m.
20 Stormy. Light snow falling
Went for another load saw dust
Paid Murphy $5 for boots yesterday
leaving 8/- due to him. The price of boots $6
21 The weather continues cold ranging
10 to 20 degrees below the freezing point
Saw dust a.m. Fixing harness p.m.
22 Cloudy o.m. Went for saw a.m.
Ground frozen hard. The wagons rumble like winter
23 Saw dust a.m. Sandy Hill p.m.
24 Sun. Damp and lowering. M. at Ch. a.m.
25 Misty and mild. Frost coming out.
Saw dust a.m. Sandy Hill p.m. Arthur is not so well yesterday & to day
26 Rain a.m. Sent the Ellis cow to Arthur
27 Plowing all day. The weather is mild and the frost out of the ground

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