



Status: Page Status Transcribed

9 Colder. 7 degrees below 0 at sunrise
Packed the pork and hams a.m.
102 lb of hams. 78 lb shoulders
Weight of all the pork by guess about 500
Sandy H. p.m. Arthur continues better
Bo’t dry goods at the store. A large bill
The day is bitter cold and the road
very hard but smooth to ride upon
Home half sick with my days work.
10 Zero. Snow in the night about 1 inch
Driving the mare p.m. in jumper
11 Driving a.m. Aug. & Sophie to dinner
Cold p.m. and signs of a storm
12 Cold and cloudy 10 degrees below 0 and a bitter
biting blast from the North all day
It is a cruel gale and cuts to the bone
But few teams or passers by on the road
13 Eight below zero and the wind still
blowing but not so violent as yesterday.
The old trouble crick is upon me again
No work from Sandy H. these 2 days past
14 Fair and cold 2 below 0. The cold term
continues long. Deep snow has fallen
in N.Y. and further south there is sleighing
but wheels are rumbling here

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