1867 Dec 15 Sun. M. and Fr. at Church a.m.
Self suffering with lumb. & rheumatism
Aug. and Sophie called p.m.
Arthur is getting better of his serious sickness
The weather is still cold. Therm. at 0
but is moderating as the day declines
16 Cloudy and cold. Signs of storm p.m.
17 Clear and cold. Sandy H. a.m. in carr.
Arthur is getting better and is cheerful Aug. & Sophie left for Bal. yesterday
The traveling is smooth but hard and
slippery for smooth shod horses
M. packed a box to send to Amanda
18 Cloudy and calm. Slight sprinkle of sleet p.m.
19 Clear and cold again 12 degrees below 0 at sunrise Suffering with lumbago and cold
20 Cloudy and snowing lightly. Therm. at 0
21 Cold and frozen. Driving a.m. the mare
25 lb flour 16/- rye 1 B. 11/- at the Mill
Sandy H. p.m. The mare strikes the runner
with her long hind legs. Bal. to Murphy 8/-
22 Sun. Snow in the night about 4 inches
Cloudy with light rain to day securing
the new fallen snow from drifting
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