1868 Jan 1 Snowing lightly a.m. Hail & rain p.m.
2 Fair sleighing and mild weather to day
Driving solus under protest. Frank got
$36 from Bank to pay Underwood (lumber bill)
3 Calm and cloudy. M. at Sandy Hill p.m.
4 Snowing 4 or 5 inches to day which makes
good sleighing. Letters to M. 4 or 5
5 Sun. Cold and fair after the storm
The sun shines brightly on the new fallen snow
Sent the cutter for Fr. to breakfast
Self yet suffering long with lumbago
Arthur and Charlotte called p.m.
6 Fair and bright but very cold. 18 degrees below 0
18 The Lilly heifer came in. A heifer calf to raise
20 Hiatus of 2 weeks confined to the bed
with severe lameness or lumbago
Doct. C. called twice but gave little relief
Doct. Flint came about the 16th and since have been slowly getting better
The winter weather has been fair and the sleighing good as could be wished
21 Snow to day 4 or 5 in
22 Fair and pleasant Walked to the barn.
Fr. called and took the horse to go to Glens F.
Doct Flint called p.m.
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