Charlottesville City Council Minutes

Pages That Need Review

Council Minutes Book E

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W. T. Martin & Co. request permission to put up a sign extending 5-1/2 feet out from building front. There will be no illumination whatsoever on this sign. (Referred to Street Committee and City Manager. The Board of Alderman, at their meeting on the 16th did not concur in this reference.)

Mr. Craven left a roas machine here on trial over a year ago. The City has used the machine, but it has never been paid for and no one ever authorized the purchase of the same. Would like to be advised as to what disposition to make of machine. Mr. Wingfield knows the details. (Referred to Street Committee and City Manager to report back.)

GAS DEPARTMENT. The work of enlargin the mains on Belmont has been completed and people are well satisfied with their supply. Also a new connecting line on Graves Street, which supplies all the new houses that are being built on the Goodman property, has been completed.

Several more enlargments of gas pipe in different parts of the City are badly needed, and I would suggest that an appropriation of $1,500. or $2,000. be made to be used by the gas committee for the purchase of pipe before pipe goes any higher, as the war will undoubtedly cause iron material to advance still more. (Referred to Gas and Finance Committees and City Manager to report).

WATER AND SEWERS DEPARTMENT. The contractor is now at work putting two more sections on water tank on Preston Heights. The new sewer line which I recommended to be run through Graves Street to take cars of the new development of the Goodman property is being laid now, and will be completed tomorrow.

I have asked Mr. Carter to be present at your meeting and explain the matter of sewer disposal at Rivanna River, as I am pressed for time, and the explanation in a written report would be rather lengthy. (Mr. Carter explained the situation to the Council and the matter was recommitted to the Committee and City Manager.) Respectfully Submitted, H. A. Stecker, City Manager.

The following ordinances and resoultions were placed upon their passage and adopted;

LICENSE TAX ORDINANCE. An ordiance for imposing and collection taxes on licenses and taxes for the exercise of certain privileges within the City of Charlottesville for twelve months, commencing the first day May 1917, and ending the thirtieth day of April, 1918.

SEC. 176 OF CITY CODE. An ordinance amending and re-enacting Sec. 176 of the City Code entitled Bicycles, Automobiles and other vehicles.

SEC. 201 OF CITY CODE. An ordinance amending and re-enacting Sec. 201 of the City Code entitled Street Traffic regulations. (This section was slightly amended from the formin which it was received from the meeting of the Board of Alderman of March 12th and concurred in.

LEWIS & CLARK MONUMENT. A resoultion granting permission for a monument to Lewis and Clark to be placed in "Midway" Park.

APP. FOR OIL. A Resolution appropriating $1,500. for Road Oil.

APP. FOR FLAG. A Resolution appropriating $50. for flag and pole to be placed on City Hall Lot.

APP. FOR SPRINKLER. A Resolution appropriating $500. for rhe purchase of street springler and oiler.

ARC LIGHT AT COR. 14TH AND VA. AVENUE. A Resolution providing for an Arc light at corner of 14th Street and Virginia Avenue.

JOINT CARE OF LIGHTING AND STREETS ON UNIVERSITY AVE. AND RUGBY ROAD. A Resolution providing for the joint care of street lighting and up keep of streets on Universoty Avenue and Rugby Road.

A CURB MARKET PROVIDED FOR. A Resolution providing for the establishment of a central curb market, and fixing the license fee therefor.

(See Ordinance Book #1 for texts of the foregoing ordinances and resolutions.)

on motion the Council then adjourned.

E. I. Carruthers, Clerk. W. F. Souder, Jr., President

Last edit over 5 years ago by Critchleymd
Needs Review



COUNCIL CHAMBER, May 10, 1917.

The regular monthly meeting of the Council was held on this date with the following members present, Elliott, Forrest, Gleason, Graves, Long, Souder, Twyman and Wingfield.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. J. E. Irvine appeared before the Council to ask permission to come through the Reservoir property with his teams in hauling poles from land lying adjacent thereto. The matter was referred to the Water & Sewers Committee with power to act. REFERRED.

MRS. MALLET'S RESIDENCE. Applicaton of E. J. Bunch for permit to erect a frame addition will cost about $200., was referred to Public Safety Committee with power to act. REFERRED.

Application of C. S. Carter for an increase of salart, was referred to Finance Committee with power to act. REFERRED.

RIVANNA SEWERAGE. A communication from parties owning land or residing in the vicinity of the Rivanna River above the Woolen Mills Dam, in reference to the discharge of the City's sewage into said river, was referred to Sewer & Water Committee REFERRED.

The matter of increase in the salary of the Chain Gang boss was referred to the Finance Committee. REFERRED.

TAYLOR ST. WATER SUPPLY. Application of residents of Taylor Street for water connections was referred to Water & Sewers Committee. REFERRED.

CHRISTIAN CHURCH SIDEWALK. Application of Christian Church for the laying of steps in frnt of the said Church while sidewalk is being laid there, was referred to Street Committee with power to act. REFERRED.

ROSE HILL ARC LIGHT. Petition from residents of Rose Hill for a street light at Southern Railway crossing on Concord Avenue, was referred to Light Committee with power to act.

ANDERSON ST. ARC LIGHT. Petition from residents on Anderson Street for a street light to be placed aa a point opposits 909 Anderson Street, was referred to Light Committee to report.

LABOR AGT. LICENSE. A suggested license tax on Labor Agents doing business in this city was referred to Ordinance Committee to report.

REPORT CITY MGR. The City Manager submitted his report for the month, which was read and ordered filed.

POLICE. Report of Chief of Police for April showed chase fines $298.75, cases in default, $80.

PRICE OF COKE. A motion to advance the price of coke to $4.00 per ton after July 1, 1917, made by Mr. Twyman, was adopted. (The Alderman did not concur in the action of the Council.)

The Following Ordinances were adopted and will be found spread in Ordinance Book #1:

CURB MKT. ORD. An Ordinance repealing the oridnance entitled "An ordinance to establish a Curb Market and fix the license tax therefor", adopted April 12, 1917. REPEAL

CURB MKT. ORD. An Ordinance establishing a Curb Market.

ALLOWANCE TO CITY JAILOR. An Ordinance fixing the allowance to the jailer for boarding the City's prisoners.

STREET LIGHTS. An Ordinance directing the erection of certain street lights in the annexed territory.

CONFED. VET. APP. An Ordinance making an appropriation to aid in defraying the expense of Confederate Veterans to Washington and Gettysburg.

APP CAP. JONES. An Ordinance appropriatin $20. to reimburse Captain L. H. Jones for lass of Automobile tire.

CONTRACT WITH ALBEMARLE CO. An Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to sign a contract or agreement with the County of Albemarle in the matter of joint construction of cement road.

SEC. 580 An Ordinance amending and re-enacting Sec. 580 of the City Code.

On motion the meeting then adjourned.

E. I. Carruthers, Clerk. W. F. Souder, Jr., President

Last edit over 5 years ago by Critchleymd
Needs Review



more nearly permanent streets.

IN RE COKE SALES. The following offered by Mr. Twyman was adopted by a vote of 5 to 3, as follows; Ayes, Forrest, Long, Souder, Twyman and Wingfield; Noes, Elliott, Gleason and Graves: RESLOVED , by the Common Council, the Board of Aldermen concurring, That the Sup't of Gas be and is hereby instructed not to deliver any more coke except for conduct of City business, until further instruction by the Council, and Resolved, further, That the Treasurer is instructed to refund the money on any coke ticket now outstanding when presented, and the Treasurer is also instructed not to take orders for any more coke until instructed by the Council. (The Board of Alderman declined to concur.)

COMMITTEE TO ATTEND MEETING OF GOOD ROADS COMMITTEE AT NATURAL BRIDGE, VA. The following offered by Dr. Forrest, was adopted; RESOLVED, by the Common Council, the Board of Aldermen concurring, That a committee made up of Messrs. Souder, Allen and Livers be sent by the City to Natural Bridge to attend the meeting of the Legislative Committee on State Roads to be held there Monday, June 18, 1917.

E.G. HADEN GRANTED PERMIT TO IMPROVE FRAME HOUSE. Upon application of E. G. Haden he was granted a permit to make improvments to a frame house sisuated corner of 3rd and High Streets, said improvements having the sanctions of the adjacent property owners and the local board of Underwriters; also the approval of the City Manager.

REFUND OF LICENSE TAX TO R. H. BRYAN. Upon petition of R. H. Bryan for a refund of the $25. license tax paid by him on May 1st for privilege of conducting a Job Printing Shop in this city, which was discontinued after eight days; it was order that the Auditor refund the said license.

The following resolutions and ordinances were adopted and will be found spread at length on the Ordinance Book;

QUARTERLY APP. A Resolution appropriating the sum of $74,620.57 for the expenses of the City for the quarter ending August 31, 1917.

WALSH & ALLEN. A Resolution appropriating $100. for Walsh & Allen, Attorneys.

ASPHALT. A Resolution appropriating $500. to purchase asphaly binder for certain streets.

STREET TRAFIC ORDINANCE. An Ordinance amending and re-enactin section 176 of the City Code, entitled Bicycles, Automoniles and other vehicles, approved April 13, 1917. A motion to suspend the rules in order to adopt the amended ordinance was adopted unanimously.

CITY MANAGER'S FINANCIAL REPORT. The City Manager submitted his report of the total appropriations for the year; the amount expended for the 9 months, the amount remaining and the amount needed, in the several departments for the remanider of the year. Saide report was read and ordered filed.

On motion the meeting then adjourned. E. I. Carruthers, Clerk. W. F. Souder, Jr., President

Last edit over 5 years ago by Critchleymd
Needs Review



Auditor's Annual report. AUDITOR'S REPORT FOR YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31,1917. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o

Receipts Disbursements.
Gas $30,850.83 Salaries $12,714.13
Water 32,454.15 Police 9,317.13
Taxes 80,993.25 Gas 35,547.60
Licenses 25,249.57 Water 13,245.37
Licenses, Annexed Territory 1,203.58 Sewers 4,981.46
Fines 2,745.28 Incidentals 9,071.52
Cemeteries 2,616.50 Streets 31,860.68
Streets 439.08 Health 1,634.26
Sidewalks 1,031.86 Poor 4,421.37
Scavenger Tax 2,194.29 Cemeteries 2,489.33
Rent Gas House Property 49.50 Fire 6,523.25
Rent Old Hospital 75.00 Int. on Bonds 28,060.00
Rent Meade Property 550.00 Schools 23,300.00
Incidentals 35.85 Light 7,736.20
Perpetual Care Cem. Lots Fund 100.00 Interest & Discount 1,190.00
Fire Department 225.00 Summer School 500.00
Interest on Taxes 121.28 University Hospital 5,000.00
Police Incidentals 147.50 Sinking Fund 14,240.00
Gas Deposit Acct. 23.00 Gas Improvement bonds ret'd 2,0o0.00
Dog Taxes 729.00 Police Incidentals 481.15
Engineering Acct. 500.00 Primary Fees refunded 55.00
Legal Primary Fees 130.00 Refunded Linces 25.00
Bank Taxes 5,885.47 Gas Deposits refunded 10.00
Sewer Department 20.49 Engineering Account 1,282.52
Refund from Confed. Vet. App. 107.00 Confederate Veterans 450.00
Total revenue 188,478.48 Total 216,135.97
Bills payable 53,000.00 Bills Payable 33,000.00
249.135.97 249,135.97
Respectfully submitted, E. I. Carruthers, Auditor.

Report Sinking Fund. REPORT OF THE SINKING FUND COMMISSIONERS FOR THE YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31,1917. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o

Bal. fund Sep. 1,1916 $150,954.40
Received from City 14,240.00
Income on Securities 7,631.25
Amt. in fund 9/1/1917 $172,825.65
Cash receipts
Bal. on hand 9/1/1916 $534.40
Annual appropriation city 14,240.00
Interest received on securities 7,651.25
Gas. imp. bonds redeemed 2,000.00
Birch & Mehring bond paid 1,250.00
H. H. Russell bond paid 600.00
Total cash receipts 26,275.65
4 $1,ooo Eugene Robertson 6% bonds $4,000.00
1 $1,000. Ida M. & R. B. Simpson 6% bond 1,000.00
4, $1,000. Va. Ry. & Power Co. 5% bonds 3,650.00
5, $1,000. Charlottesville Ice. Co. 6% bonds 5,000.00
5 $1,000. "Meade" property 6% bonds (City) 5,000.00
Cash uninvested 9!1!1917 7,625.65
Securities held in the Fund.
4% securities 42,000.00
4-1/2% " 34,000.00
5% " 9,150.00
6% " 80,050.00
Total $165,200.00
Redemption Account.
Cash on hand 7,625.65
Securities 165,200.00
Total $172,825.65
Respectfully submitted, E. I. Carruthers, Secretary Sinking Fund Commissioners.

Report School Board. Dr. J. G. Johnson, Superintendent of Schools, submitted the annual report of the receipts and disbursements for the benefit of the City public schools for the year, which was read.

Gas report. Supt. H. M. Hantzmon, of the Gas Dept., submitted his report for the fiscal year.

Water report. Supt. C. D. Carter, of the Water & Sewers department, submitted his report for the fiscal year.

In re. discount on Gas Bills. Lost/ The following, offered by Mr. Twyman, was adopted by a vote of 5 to 2 (Ayes, Forrest, Gleason, Long, Souder and Twyman. Noes, Elliott and Wingfield) The Board of Alderman did not concur in the motion. Resolved, by the Common Council, The Board of Aldermen concurring, That the discount of 10% now given on gas bills when payment is

Last edit over 3 years ago by ke8jr
Needs Review



Report Chairman Finance Comtee. December 12,1917. To the President and Members Common Council. Gentlemen: At a meeting of the Finance Committee held on December 10, the report of the Treasurer for the quarter ending November 30,1917, was examined and approved, and its adopted is recommeded by the committee. The Committee also recommends that the salary of the City Sergeant be increased five dollars per month, and that $250. be appropriated to cover City Manager's expense for period of one year, beginning September 1,1917, for furnishing and maintaining a car for the City's service, and that the petition asking for an appropriation of $500. for the District Nursing Association be declined for the present. Respectfully submitted, J. R. Gleason, Chairman.

Report from University Hospital. A communication from Dr. M. R. Pratt, Sup't University Hospital: December 11,1917. Mr. E. I. Carruthers, Auditor, City. Dear Sir: I have just finished checking up the charity work done by the University Hospital in accordance with the appropriation made by the City of Charlottesville. The daily per capita cost for the year ending August 31,1917, was $1.468. The number of days of treatment given City charity cases was 5147, making the cost to the Hospital for the City patients $7,555.80. This does not include a large number of patients who, to insure their entrance to the hospital, promised to pay their own expenses and later turn out to be charity patients from whom the hospital could collect nothing. To cover this work the City appropriated $2,000., a great help to us it is true, but hardly a proper return. The Hospital deficit for the pastyear was approximately $11,000.; the deficit from City charity was half this, and, if we consider the patients who agreed to pay but could not, we will find well over half of the entire deficit of the hospital came from work done for the City of Charlottesville. The annual report, now on the press, will indicate to what extent we tried to have patients help themselves. Those agreeing to pay a part but not the entire cost increased to 1332 from 580 the previous year, and the number of free patients went down to 1147 from 1619 the previous year. As stated above however, many of those agreeing to pay something proved to be charity patients. That the City of Charlottesville should make a considerable increase in its appropriation is very evident. Sincerely, M. R. Pratt, Supt.

Treasurer's quarterly report. REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE QUARTER ENDING NOVEMBER 30,1917. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gas $8,257.91 Amt. overdrawn Sep.1,1917 $6,364.76
Water 7,990.91 Salaries 4,495.57
Taxes 71,067.17 Police 2,325.57
Licenses 1,187.14 Gas 10,112.35
Taxes, Annexed Territory 14,028.89 Water 2,054.83
Fines 665.30 Incidentals 1,451.23
Cemeteries 753.83 Streets 16,402.12
Dogs 14.00 Health 517.65
Scavenger 481.25 Poor 1,088.38
Interest on Taxes 54.65 Cemeteries 642.16
Engineering 375.00 Fire Department 1,371.73
Perpetual Care of Sections 100.00 Interest on Bonds 4,802.50
Sidewalks 692.71 Schools 8,000.00
Streets 24.31 Lights 1,961.92
Fire Department 7.55 Engineering 278.90
Rents 4.20 Interest & Discount 330.00
Capitation Tax returned by State 557.00 Bills Payable 47,000.00
Bank Tax 98.35 Total $109,453.34
Bank Tax annedex territory 516.44 [blank] [blank]
Bills Payable 15,000.00 Bal. in Treasury 12/1/17 12,464.19
[blank] $121,917.53 [blank] $121,917.53
W. G. Steele, Treas. Examined this 10th day of Dec.1917 and found correct: J. E. Gleason, ) W. F. Souder, Jr., ) Finance Committee. R. C. Walker, ) F. W. Twyman )

Police report. Report of the Chief of Police for November showed cash fines $177.83, cases to jail in default,$60.50.

Report City Manager. The report of the City Manager for November was read and considered with the following actions: As to the matter of collecting trash and garbage from residences, etc., it was the opinion of the Council that the City ordinance dealing with the matter be adhered to.The Manner in which the Inspection work should be done in the Health Dept., was left in the hands of the Public Safety Committee to consider and report.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by zsjoy
Needs Review



Report of City Manager. The City Manager submitted his monthly report, which was read, discussed and ordered filed. So much of his report as referred to the securing of a right-of-way through the Berkeley property was recommitted to the committed for further report.

The following offered by Dr. Forrest was seconded by Mr. Wingfield, and unanimously adopted:

Resolution requesting Board of A. to act on the West Main Street cement road matter. WHEREAS the Common Council of the City of Charlottesville at its April meeting voted unanimously in favor of laying a concrete road in West Main Street upon conditions stipulated in the resolution, but the Board of Aldermen a month ago deferred action until its members could inform themselves more fully on the matter, and

WHEREAS it is important for the Street Committee and the University of virginia, which was to cooperate in paying for the proposed improvement, to know at once whether the work is to be done this summer, be it therefore,

RESOLVED, That the Common Council urges the Board of Aldermen to take up this matter at its May meeting and dispose of it by a definite vote.

In re. porch at Clermont Hotel. Referred. The City Manager called the attention of the Council to the fact that the cement sidewalk was being laid along the north side of Main Street east of the bridge over the Southern tracks and that the pillars supporting the porch at the Clermont Hotel would be some distance inside the curbline, and asked for instructions as to having the said porch removed in accordance with the conditions of the permit at time of its erection. The matter of removal was referred to the City Manager and Street Committee with power to act.

The meeting then adjourned.

E. I. Carruthers, Clerk. W. F. Souder Jr., President

COUNCIL CHAMBER, May 23, 1918.

A Special meeting of the Common Council was held on this date to consider the veto of the resolution appropriating the sum of $7,500. for the purpose of laying a cement road on West Main Street, and such matters as may be brought up in connection with this proposed improvement.

There were present Messrs. Elliott, Forrest, Gleason, Huyett, Long, Souder and Twyman.

The Mayor's veto of the resolution referred to, which veto is spread on the Ordinance Book along with the resolution, was read to the body. The following message from his Honor the Mayor was then read to the body:

May 20,1918. To the Presidents and Members of the Common Council and Board of Aldermen: Gentlemen: I vetoed and returned to the Clerk of the Common Council a resolution passed by said body on the 11th day of April,1918, and oncurred in by the Board of Aldermen on the 13th day of May,1918, appropriating $7,500. to lay concrete on a certain portion of West Main Street orIvy Road. Owing to sickness, I did not attend either of the meetings at which this resolution was passed. It passed the Common Council first, and I am informed, it was passed on the same day it was introduced. I am informed it was passed by the Board of Aldermen by a vote of two for and one against, one memeber being absent. The resolution as presented to me did not show these things, and I passed on and vetoed it as presented to me. If the information I have received is correct, then the action of both bodies is illegal, under Section 1015h and 1033c, Legislative provisions relating to Cities. I submit this that the facts may be brought out. Yours very respectfully, E. G. Haden, Mayor.

The President was asked for his ruling as to whether or not the resolution in question had been legally adopted by the Common Council on April 11,1918, and, after some discussion of the matter he ruled that the resolution had not been adopted [in ???] in

Last edit almost 4 years ago by zsjoy
Needs Review


…steps to establish for him his property line at his residence on Rubgy Road, in order that he might make improvements in conformity with the property established line. The matter was referred to the City Manager and Street Committee and City Attorney with the request that they give the desired relief.


The report of the Chief Police for the month of August showed cash fines $217.73, and cases sent to jail in default, $33.50.


TREASURER’S REPORT FOR QUARTER ENDING AUGUST 31ST, 1918. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o TREASURER'S QUARTERLY REPORT.

Gas $10,389.95 Amt. overdrawn June 1st $11,557.44
Water 7,866.31 Salaries 2,524.43
Taxes 3,877.31 Police 2,925.17
Licenses 2,902.99 Gas 9,188.23
Fines 767.17 Water 2,386.72
Cemeteries 385.25 Sewers 171.30
Dogs 598.00 Incidentals 1,338.53
Bills Payable 12,000.00 Streets 7,657.71
Scavenger 327.45 Health 358.70
Interest on past Taxes 39.32 Poor 1,108.53
Engineering 375.00 Cemeteries 820.63
Sidewalks 57.68 Fire Department 1,703.98
Streets 906.34 Interest on Bonds 8,940.00
Taxes Annexed Territory 1,485.59 Schools 2,000.00
Licenses Annexed Territory 199.21 Lights 2,474.59
Fire Department 5.60 Buildings and Grounds 291.54
Fire Department, University Appro. 200.00 Refunded Licenses 25.00
Rents 15.00 Confederate Veterans 480.00
Bank Tax 8,078.25 Interest and Discount 320.00
Perpetual Care of sections 110.00 Sinking Fund 7,120.00
Police Incidentals 84.00 Engineering 128.50
Omitted Taxes 4.20 Police Uniforms 278.25
50,675.16 Summer School 500.00
Amt. overdrawn on Treas. Sept. 1,’18 13,634.09 Gas Deposit Refunded 10.00
$64,309.25 $64,309.25
Respectively submitted,

W. G. Steele, Treasurer.

AUDITOR’S REPORT FOR YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31ST, 1918. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o AUDITOR'S ANNUAL REPORT

Gas $34,560.88 Salaries $13,134.17
Water 31,995.07 Police 10,221.08
Taxes 82,964.07 Gas 39,469.64
Taxes Annexed Territory 18,964.00 Water 8,357.44
Licenses 24,863.60 Sewers 826.12
Licenses Annexed Territory 1,764.58 Incidentals 5,943.86
Fines 2,711.17 Streets 36,216.77
Cemeteries 1,802.08 Health 1,596.21
Dogs 683.00 Poor 4,625.94
Scavenger 1,361.27 Cemeteries 2,633.69
Interest on past Taxes 147.08 Fire 6,073.15
Bank Tax 8,176.60 Light 10,115.68
Bank Tax Annexed Territory 516.44 Engineering 468.56
Sidewalks 1,294.93 Buildings and Grounds 372.04
Streets 1,076.48 Interest on Bonds 27,680.00
Fire Department 38.10 Interest and Discount 1,534.60
Fire Department, University Appro. 200.00 Sinking Fund 14,240.00
Compromise Sewer Contract 240.00 Schools 25,000.00
Delinquent Taxes 16.54 Gas Improvement Bonds 2,000.00
Omitted Taxes 4.20 Police Incidentals (U) 677.72
Capitation Tax Returned by State 557.00 Refunded Taxes 16.22
Judges Salary Returned by State 1,979.17 Refunded Licenses 25.00
Rents 92.20 Summer School 500.00
Perpetual Care of sections 210.00 Gas Deposit 10.00
Engineering 1,375.00 Total 211,737.89
Police Incidentals 172.50 Bills Payable 63,000.00
Bills Payable 50,000.00 274,737.89
267,434.26 Amt. due Tres.Sept.1’,17. 6,364.76
Amt. overdrawn Sept. 1st,’18 13,668.39
281,102.65 281,102.65

Floating Debt Bonded Debt
Notes in Bank 22,000.00 Bonds outstanding $609,500.00
Notes in Sinking Fund 4,000.00
Amt. due Treasury 13,668.39
Total floating debt 39,668.39
Floating debt, Sept.1,’17----------------- 45,364.76

Reduction of floating debt for year---- 5,696.37

Respectfully submitted,



Last edit over 3 years ago by ke8jr
Needs Review



In re. price of gas. Resolved, by the Common Council, the Board of Alderman concurring, That the price of Gas be increased from $1.25 to $1.50 per M cu. ft, to date from Jan. 1,1919.

(See Minutes Board of Alderman for action)

In Re. the McIntyre prop. on E. High St. The following was offered by Mr. Long, and laid over until the next meeting under the rules: Resolved, That an offer of $9,000. be made for the McIntire property on High Street.

In re. Annual budget. The annual estimate of income and expense for the fiscal year 1918-19 was presented and action thereon deferred until the next meeting.

The following resolutions and ordinance were adopted unanimously, and will be found spread on the Ordinance Book:

Auditor to draw warrants. A Resolution to empower the Auditor to draw warrants for current bills, and the Treasurer to pay the same, pending the adoption of the quarterly budget.

In Re. taxes Home for Aged. A Resolution to remit the taxes on the Home for the Aged for the years 1917 and 1918.

Annual Tax levy. An Ordinance fixing the annual levy for taxes for the fiscal year 1918-19.

On motion the meeting then adjourned.

[signed] E. I. Carruthers, Clerk.

[signed] W. M. Forrest, President.

COUNCIL CHAMBER, November 14, 1918.

The regular monthly meeting of the Council was held on this date with the following members present; Councilmen Elliott, Forrest, Gleason, Huyett, Long, Smith and Via.

Minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved.

Report of City Mgr. City Manager Shelton S. Fife, submitted his report for the month, which was read, discussed, and, that portion with reference to extension of the City's cemeteries, was referred to the Cemetery Committee to report.

Referred. Petition signed by certain members of the Police Force, asking for an increase in pay was referred to the Public Safety Committee. Also the petition from the fire drivers went to the same committee.

Police report. Report of the Chief of Police for October showed Cash Fines $183.50, cases in default, $12.50; Appealed, $65.00.

Referred. Petition of citizens in vicinity of Taylor and Spring Streets for a light at the corner of said streets was referred to the Light Committee and City Manager to report.

Referred. Communication from Perkins & Walker and Watson & Bolling, Attorneys for E. E. Egan Frank Y. Hall and the Albemarle Golf Club, calling attention to the nusiance being continued in the vicinity of their properties on the Rivanna River by the City's sewage being turned into said rivr at the break on the property of the Gold Club, and requested that same be abated. Referred to the City Attorney and Sewer Committee.

[*Out: Referred. A motion by Mr. Patton to amend Sec.595 of the City Code in reference to the ringing of locomotive bells within the city limits, was referred to the ordinance Committee. (This matter should be spread in the Alderman's minute book. Clerk). *]

F. W. Twyman elected to fill vacancy from 4th ward. On motion the Council went into the election to fill the vacancy existing in the Council from the Fourth Ward, occasioned by the removal from said ward of Mr. L. L. Irvine, and Dr. Forrest, resigning the chair, placed in nomination Mr. J. S. [LaRoe? LaBoe?]; Mr. Long placed in nomination Mr. F. W. Twyman, the vote resulting as follows; for Twyman, Messrs. Elliott, Gleason, Long, Smith and Via (5); for LaRowe, Messrs. Forrest and Huyett (2). The Chair thereupon declared Mr. Twyman elected.

The following resolution, offered at the October meeting and laid over under the rules, was taken up and unanimously adopted;

Last edit over 3 years ago by ke8jr
Needs Review



In re. the McIntire property. A resolution authorizing an offer of $9000, be made for the McIntire property on High Street.

The following ordinance adopted by the Board of Alderman October 28, 1918 was concurred in:

In re. sale of fireworks. An Ordinance to prohibit the sale of fireworks in the City of Charlottesville.

The following ordinance which was presented at the October meeting and laid over under the rules was called up and adopted:

Annual Budget. An Ordinance fixing the budget of income and expenditures for the fiscal year 1918-19.

The following ordinances were presented by the Ordinance Committee, to which they had been referred at the Joint meeting of November 4th, read, considered and adopted:

Sec 614: An Ordinance amending and re-enacting Sec. 614 of the City Code.

Secs. 333-338. An Ordinance amending and re-enacting Secs. 333,334,336,337, and 338 of the City Code of 1909.

The foregoing resolution and ordinances will be found spread at length on the Ordinance Book.

Tabled. The following resolution adopted by the Board of Alderman October 28,1918, was presented and laid on the table: Resolved, by the Board of ALderman, the Common Council concurring, That the City Manager and Gas Committee take necessary steps at once to to assure a greater supply of gas.

In re. City Hall renovation. The matter of renovating and repairing the City Hall was referred to City Manager and Committee on Grounds & Buildings to report back.

On motion the meeting then adjourned.

[Signed] E. I. Carruthers

[Signed] W. M. Forrest

Last edit over 3 years ago by ke8jr
Needs Review



COUNCIL CHAMBER, December 12, 1918.

The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was held on this date with the following members present, Messrs. Elliott, Forrest, Gleason, Huyett, Long, Smith, Twyman and Via.

Minutes of the previous meetings were read, corrected and approved.

Appointment of E.M. COllins as policeman. His Honor the Mayor advised the body of the appointment of E. M. Collins as a policeman of the City.

vis Honor the Mayor, in a communication, suggested to the Council that inasmuch as Mr. Paul G. McIntyre had donated the Venable property to the City to be used as a public park, the City should remit the taxes thereon for the year 1918. This was agreed to as per resolution found later in the minutes of this meeting.

Referred. A communication from Jas. E. Irvine, making an offer to purchase the chestnut wood, poles, etc. on the City Reservoir property, was referred to the Water Committee and City Manager to investigate and report.

Police report. Report of Chief of Police for November showed cash fines $142.50; cases in default, $50.50.

The following reports from City Officials were submitted, read and ordered spread:

Tresurer's Quarterly Report.


Gas $7,452.17 Salaries $3.834.89
Water 8,562.40 Police 2,583.07
Taxes 74,357.21 Gas 11,565.71
Taxes Annexed Territory 15,285.68 Water 2,669.81
Licenses 1,016.79 Sewers 176.45
Licenses Annex. Territory 92.33 Incidentals 1,264.04
Fines 757.98 Streets 8,311.73
Cemeteries 645.42 Health 165.95
Dogs 7.00 Poor 1,166.05
Scavenger 220.80 Cemeteries 821.14
Int. on past due taxes 34.04 Fire Department 1,564.75
Engineering 187.00 Interest 4,837.50
Bank Taxes 99.65 Lights 2,525.17
Bank Taxes Annex. Ter. 539.93 Buildings & Grounds 99.97
Incidentals 16.00 Engineering 3.11
Sidewalks 9.79 Police Incidentals 10.65
Streets 57.65 Interest & Discount 320.00
Capitation Tax from State 866.78 Police Uniforms 793.50
Police Incidentals 36.00 42,713.49
Omitted City Tax 2.70 Bills Payable 38,500.00
Lands Redeemed before sale 5.94
112,253.26 Amt. due Tr. 9/1/18 13,634.09
Bills Payable 16,500.00 Bal. in Treas. 12/1/18 31,905.68
126,753.26 126,753.26
Respectfully submitted,

W. G. Steele, Treasurer.

Examined this 12th day of Dec.1918 and found correct:

M. Timberlake, ) J. E. Gleason, ) Finance Committee. R. C. Walker, )

Auditor's Report. The report of the Auditor for the quarter agreed with that of the Treasurer, except that warrants drawn on the Treasurer remained outstanding in the sum of $31.30.

Coupons. The Auditor reported coupons received from the Treasurer, for the quarter, which had been paid by him through his office, $4,837.50, and that he had also received from the Mercantile Trust & Deposit Company coupons cancelled amounting to $45.00, all of which had been listed, examined by the Finance Committee and filed.

City Manager's quarterly reports/ The City Manager submitted his report of the operation of the several departments for the quarter, together with detailed reports from each, which were read, discussed and ordered filed.

Gas & Light Committee's Report. The following report was received from the Gas & Light Committee and the several recommendations therein contained were adopted;

To the President and Members of the Common Council:

The Gas & Light Committee met on December 5th,1918. All members were present except Mr. B. E. Wheeler, who was out of town.

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