Case of Orandorf v. Welch with signatures of George Wythe and John Marshall, 1791;1795



Petition of Appeal by Christian Orandorf 18 February 1791 - Page 1

Petition of Appeal by Christian Orandorf 18 February 1791 - Page 1

To the Honble the Judge of the High court of Chancery humbly complaining sheweth unto your Honor your orator petitioner christian Orandorf

That the annexed record shews the proceedings against your orator & the representa -tives of Henry Cookus in the county court of Berkley at the suit of the representatives of Michael Welch and whereby a property fairly purchased by your orator is taken from him & a firm contract set aside without any process having been served upon him. Your orator petitioner is advised that there is manifest error in the said decree in this, that even admitting your petitioner to have been a non resident which is not the fact nor does your petitioner think it appears so on the record, no time is allowed your petitioner to set aside the decree as is directed by law in case of decrees against non residents nor are the complainants used to give any security on the want of setting aside the decree. For these & other obvious reasons your petitioner humbly prays that his appeal from the said decree may be received & that a supersedeas may issue to supersede & reverse the same And your petitioner will ever pray &c Christian Orandorf

Last edit over 6 years ago by guest_user
Petition of Appeal by Christian Orandorf 18 February 1791 - Page 2

Petition of Appeal by Christian Orandorf 18 February 1791 - Page 2

The petition of appeal is allowed; the petitioner entering into bond, with surety, in the penalty of one hundred pounds; and a supersedeas is awarded 18 Feb. 1791 G. Wythe

4/8 Orandorf vs G Paper's Welche's answers March 1792 dock. & Cont. May -- Cont. Sept. - Entg decree -- ans^r filed cause retained & Ge Coms aw^d

Filed February 18^th 1792

Last edit almost 7 years ago by UVA Law Library
Receipt signed by John Littlejohn and J. Marshall

Receipt signed by John Littlejohn and J. Marshall

Recieved from Christian & Stuffell Orrindroff Sixty Eight pounds Eleven shill. and one penney for and on account of the Estate of Henry Cookus [and?] the above being [Poss^or?] [Cred?] John Littlejohn Adm^or of Mich^l Welch May 13th 1795

Teste J Marshall

Last edit almost 7 years ago by UVA Law Library
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