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To Mr. J. Smith
Fredericksburg 30th April 1790
DrSir As I promised you I have enquired of Mr John Marshall whether he remembers any chancery adjudication on a pecuniary legacy in a will made in paper money times - He does not recollect any decree which reduced the nominal sum to an equitable one, but in a case in which he was councel Mr Wythe expressed an opinion, that a pecuniary legacy in paper money times should not be considered as specie, unless from the will something shewed the intention of the testator to be specie, or prima facie it was to be construed a paper money legacy. From this I am induced to advise you to refuse to pay the legacy to Sally Smith in specie, and if sued in chancery & where done you can be fined an equitable value will be put on it I am your most obed Serv Charles Lee