Practicing Law in the Early American Republic

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Transcript of Lackland v. Dorsey, presented before the General Court of the State of Maryland, Chief Justice Samuel Chase presiding, 1794

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him the said Elisha then and there falsely and fraudulently deceived and defrauded. Whereupon he the said Elisha saith that he is injured and hath sustained damage to the value of two hundred pounds and thereupon he brings suit and so forth. John T Mason for Plaintiff {John Doe & Richard Roe} Pledges of Prosecutions And the aforesaid Lakin Dorsey by his attorney aforesaid prays leave of the Court here to imparle untill the fourth Tuesday of August next; and he hath it, the same day is given to the plaintiff also At which day to wit, the fourth Tuesday of August in the year last aforesaid somes here again the parties aforesaid by their attornies aforesaid; and the aforesaid Lakin Dorsey by his attorney aforesaid prays further leave to imparle herein until the fourth Tuesday of November next; and he hath it; the same day is given to the Plaintiff also - At which day to wit the fourth Tuesday of November in the year last aforesaid, comes here again the parties aforesaid by their attornies aforesaid; and the aforesaid Lakin Dorsey by his atty afd prays further leave to imparle herein until the second Monday of April next; and he hath it, the same day is given to the plaintiff also -- At which day to wit, the second Monday of April in the year seventeen hundred and ninety one come here again the parties aforesaid by their attorneys aforesaid: Thereupon it is ruled and order'd by the Court here that Lakin Dorsey the defendant employ other counsel for him the plea aforesaid by the first Monday of December next: the same day is given to the said Elisha Lackland and so forth - At which day to wit the first Monday of December in the year last aforesaid, comes here again, as well the aforesaid Elisha Lackland by his attorney aforesaid as the aforesaid Lakin Dorsey; and thereupon it is further ruled and ordered by the Court here that the said Lakin Dorsey the defendent employ other counsel for him in the plea aforesaid, by the second Monday of April next: the same day is given to the said Elisha Lackland and so forth. -- At which day to wit the second Monday of April on the year seventeen hundred and ninety two, comes here as well,

Last edit 5 months ago by MaryV
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well the aforesaid Elisha Lackland by his attorney aforesaid, as the said Lakin Dorsey by William Owings his attorney: Thereupon day is given as well to the said Elisha Lackland as to the said Lakin Dorsey by the Court here until the first Monday of December next. - At which day to wit the first Monday of December in the year last aforesaid come here again the parties aforesaid by their attorneys aforesaid, and the aforesaid Lakin Dorsey by his attorney aforesaid produces to the Court here a certain writ of Habeas Corpus closed on the words following to wit: The State of Maryland Sd. To the Chief Justice, associate Justices and Sheriff of [Seal] Washington County, Greeting: Whereas a certain Lakin Dorsey late of Washington County is detained in the prison of our said County under the custody of you our said Sheriff at the suit of a certain Elisha Lackland of a plea of trespass on the case and so forth; which said plea as it is said still remains before you our said Justices, and determined; and we being willing for divers causes that the plea aforesaid undetermined as aforesaid, should be heard and determined by the Judges of our General Court; Therefore we command you that you have the dody of the said Lakin Dorsey by whatsoever name or names he may be called in the plea aforesaid together with the cause of his caption and detention and all things thereto relating before the Judges of our General Court to be held at the City of Annapolis the second Tuesday of May next, that the Judges of our General Court may further proceed therein, as to Justice appertains and so forth. Hereof fail not at your peril and have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable Samuel Chase Esquire, Chief Judge of our said Court, the 9th day of October Anno Domini 1792 Issued the 17th day of October, Anno Domini 1792 WO. Jno. Gwinn Clks Which aforegoin writ of Habeas Corpus being by the Court here allowed it is ordered by the same Court that all things relating to this premises be tranmitted accordinly:Test Elie Williams Clk

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