Transcript of Lackland v. Dorsey, presented before the General Court of the State of Maryland, Chief Justice Samuel Chase presiding, 1794





State of Maryland Sa'

At a General Court for the Western Shore of the State aforesaid begun and held at the City of Annapolis on the second Tuesday of May being the thirteenth day of the same month Anno Domini seventeen hundred and ninety four and in the eighteenth year of the Independence of America.


The honorable Samuel Chase Esquire Chief Judge The honorable Robert Goldsborough & } The honorable Jeremiah Townley Chase } Esquires Puisne Judge William Goldsmith Esquire Sheriff Jno. Grimm Clk

In the record of proceedings of the same Court among others is the following, to wit:

Elisha Lackland } Be it remembered that heretofore to wit on } the seventeenth day of October seventeen hundred against } and ninety two the Defendant by William } Owings his Attorney sued out of our General Lakin Dorsey Court the State of Maryland's writ of Habeas Corpus directed to the Chief Justice, Associate Justices and Sheriff of Washington County in the words, & figures following, to wit: The State of Maryland Sa

To the Chief Justice, Associate Justices and Sheriff of Washington County, Greeting: Whereas a certain Lakin Dorsey late of Washington County is detained in the prison of our said County under the Custody of you, our said Sheriff, at the suit of a certain Elisha Lackland of a plea of Trespass upon the case and soforth; which said plea, as it is said still depends before you, our said Justices, undetermined and we being willing for divers causes, that the plea aforesaid, undetermined as aforesaid, should be heard and determined before the Judges of our General Court; therefore we command you that you have the body of the said Lakin Dorsey by whatsoever name or names he may be called in the plea aforesaid, together with the cause of his caption and detention and all things thereunto relating, before the Judges of our General Court, to be held at the City of Annapolis the second Tuesday of May next, that the Judges of our said General

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Elisha Lackland

v } Record

Lakin Dorsey

Cost 276 Folo. @a 12/6 Pr Cts.

Last edit over 4 years ago by Jannyp


General Court may further proceed therein, as to justice appertains and soforth. Hereof fail not at your peril, and have you then and there this writ. Witness the honourable Samuel Chase Esquire, Chief Judge of our said Court, the 9th day of October Anno Domini 1792.

Issued the 17th day of October Anno Domini 1792

WO Jn. Gwinneth

At which mentioned second Tuesday of May being the fourteenth day of the same month Anno Domini seventeen hundred and ninety three and the day of the return of the aforegoing writ, the Worshipful Chief Justice, Associate Justices and Sheriff of Washington County to whom the said aforegoing writ was made and directed in compliance with the Command of the same writ makes return thereof to the Court here with the following record to wit:

Washington County PA At a County Court of the State of Maryland held at Elizabeth Town in writ for the said County on the first Monday of December, being the third day of the same month in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety two before the Justices of the same Court duly Commissioned and sworn to hold the same Court of whom were present

The Worshipful

{ Thomas Sprigg & } { George Scott } Esquires Associate Justices

Henry Shryock Esquire Sheriff Elie Williams Clk

Among the records and proceedings of the same Court were the following, to wit:

J T M, Elisha Lackland } v } W Owings., Lakin Dorsey}

Be it remembered that heretofore to wit on the twenty sixth day of September Anno Domini seventeen hundred and eighty nine, The State

of Maryland's Writ of Capias ad respondendum issued to the Sheriff of Washington County in the words and figures following to wit: Washington County to wit, The State of Maryland, to The Sheriff of Washington County Greeting: We command you that you take Lakin Dorsey late of Washington County farmer,

Last edit over 4 years ago by Jannyp


Farmer if he shall be found in your bailiwick and him safe keep so that you have his body before the Justices of our next County Court to be held at the Court houses in Elizabeth in said County on the fourth tuesday of November next to answer unto Elisha Lackland in a plea of trespass on the case and so forth. Hereof fail not ye. Witness John Stull Esquire Chief Justice of our said Court the 25th day of August 1789: Issued the 26th day of September 1789. Elie Williams Clk

At which mentioned day, to wit, the fourth Tuesday of November in the year aforesaid comes here the aforesaid Elisha Lackland by John Thompson Mason his Attorney and offers himself in the plea aforesaid against the aforesaid Lakin Dorsey. And the Sheriff of the County aforesaid, to whom the aforegoing Writ was directed, likewise comes and makes return thereof to the Court here this Indorsed to wit.

Cepie, Danl. Stull Shff.

And the aforesaid Lakin Dorsey appears in Court here by Richard Potts his Attorney and thereupon at the prayer of the Plaintiff by his Attorney aforesaid the aforesaid Lakin Dorsey is ruled to give special bail in the plea aforesaid. Whereupon Robert Smith farmer comes here into Court before the Justices aforesaid in his proper person and becomes pledge and bail for the aforesaid Lakin Dorsey that if it should happen, that Judgment by the Court here for the aforesaid Elisha Lackland in the plea aforesaid against the aforesaid Lakin Dorsey should be rendered then the said Robert Smith grants that all such damages Costs and charges which unto the said Elisha Lackland in this part by the Court should be adjudged, of his lands and chattels should be made and to the use of the said Elisha Lackland levied if it should happen that the said Lakin Dorsey the said damages and Costs unto the said Elisha Lackland should not pay or his body in Execution of the said Judgment to the Custody of the Sheriff of Washington County aforesaid by that Occasion should not render — And thereupon day is given aswell to the said Elisha Lackland as to the said Lakin Dorsey by the Court here untill the fourth Tuesday next.

At which day, to wit the fourth Tuesday of March Anno Domini.

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Domini seventeen hundred and ninety come here again the parties aforesaid by their Attornies aforesaid; and the said Elisha Lackland by his Attorney aforesaid declares in the plea aforesaid against the aforesaid Lakin Dorsey in manner and form following to wit: Washington County, to wit, Lakin Dorsey late of the County of Washington

was attached to answer Elisha Lackland of a plea of trespass upon the case and soforth. Whereupon the said Elisha by John Thomson Mason his Attorney complains that whereas on the tenth day of November in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine at the County of Washington aforesaid a certain conversation was had and moved between the said Lakin and him the said Elisha of and concerning the purchasing of a certain negro man named Will, by him the said Elisha of him the said Lakin which said Negro he the said Lakin then and there had in possession, and upon the conversation aforesaid the said Lakin then and there falsely, fradulently and deceitfully asserety and affirmed to the said Elisha, that the aforesaid Negro man named Will then and there in the possession of the said Lakin was the proper true and Lawfull slave of him the said Lakin, which said Assertion and affirmation of him the said Lakin by him then and there so made he the said Elisha believing to be true, he the said Elisha afterwards, to wit, the same day and year first aforesaid at the County aforesaid bought of the said Lakin the said Negro man named Will for a great sum of money to wit for the sum of one hundred pounds Current money to the said Lakin by him the said Elisha then and there in hand paid; and thereupon the said Lakin did actually sell and deliver the said negro man named Will to the said Elisha as and for a Slave during the life of him the said Will, when in truth and in fact the said Negro man named Will at the said time of the said assertion and affirmation of the said Lakin as aforesaid made, and at the time of selling him and delivering in manner aforesaid was not a Slave but was a freeman, to wit, at the County of Washington aforesaid: and so the said Elisha with that the said Lakin him

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