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General Court may further proceed therein, as to justice assertains
and so forth. Hereof fail not at your peril, and have you then and there
this court. Witness the honourable Samuel Chase Esquire, Chief Judge
of our said Court, the 9th day of October Anno Domini 1792
Issued the 17th day of October Anno Domini 1792

WO. Jno. Grimm Clk

At which mentioned second Tuesday of May being the fourteenth
day of the same month Anno Domini seventeen hundred and ninety
three and the day of the return of the aforegoing writ, the Worshipful
Chief Justice, Associate Justices and Sheriff of Washington County to
whom the said aforegoing writ was made and directed in compliance
with the Command of the same court makes return thereof to the Court
here with the following record to wit:

Washington County ss At a County Court of the State of
Maryland held at Elizabeth Town in and for the said County on the
first Monday of December, being the third day of the same month in the
year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety two before the
Justices of the same Court duly Commissioned and sworn to hold the
same Court of whom were present

The Worshipful Thomas Sprigg &
George Scott } Esquires Associate Justices

Among the Records and proceedings of the same Court were
the following, to wit:
ITM. Elisha Lackland
W Owings, Lakin Dorsey

Be it remembered that heretofore
to wit on the twenty sixth day of
September Anno Domini seventeen
hundred and eighty nine, The State
of Maryland's Writ of Capias ad respondendum issued to the Sheriff
of Washington County in the words and figures following to wit:
Washington County to wit; The State of Maryland , to The Sheriff of
{Seal} Washington County Greeting: we command you that
you take Lakin Dorsey late of Washington County

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