


Status: Complete

being called come that is to say, Spencer Cooper, Archibald Robinson,
James Wilson, Richard [Merrikin?], Richard [Beall?] Junior, [Mijak?]
[Loearingen?], Ignacius Middleton, Thomas Pollard Junior, James
[Creasap?], Edward Hall, Hugh Hagan, and [Ninian?] [Penfney?], who being
duly elected tried and sworn to say the truth in this premises upon their
oath do say that the said Lakin Dorsey is guilty of the promises in
such a manner and form as the aforesaid Elisha Lackland within
against him hath complained, and they do assess the damages of
the aforesaid Elisha Lackland, by reason thereof. Beside his costs
and charges laid out by him in this behalf to the sum of one hundred
and twenty seven pounds, one shilling and eight pence current money
of Maryland.

Therefore it is considered by the Judges here that the said
Elisha Lackland do recover against the aforesaid Lakin Dorsey
as well the sum of one hundred and twenty seven pounds one shilling
and eight pence current money of Maryland his damages aforesaid
by the Jurors aforesaid in manner and form aforesaid assessed as
also the quantity of sixteen hundred and thirty eight pounds of
Tobacco by the court here unto the said Elisha Lackland on his
assent adjudged for his costs and charges by him about his auir
in this behalf laid out and expended and the said defendant in
mercy &c.

John Grimm Clk

In Testimony whereof that the aforegoing is a true copy taken from
the Record of proceedings of the General Court
for the Western Shore of the State aforesaid
I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the seal of my office this sixth day of
June Anno Domini seventeen hundred
and ninety four, and in the eighteenth year
of the Independence of America

John Grimm Clerk Genl Court
West Shore State of Mary

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