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A Stile Book
written by James Armour,

Decreet Arbitrall

Att Edinburgh The X day of XX years 88c
X as Judge & Arbitrators and amicable
Compositor Elected and choosen for the part
of X within designed on the one part X and
X Judge Arbitrator and Amicable Compositor
Elected and chosen for the part of X on the
other part. Having seen and Considered the
within written Submission and the claims given
in by each partie Concerning the matter
within written with the Instructions therof &
the severall answers hinc inde made by other
of the partys therto And having God and a
Good Conscience before our eyes (all partiality
Secluded,) we after mature and serious
Consideration and deliberation of the said
matter as Judges Arbitrators forsaids Decree
and Ordain ilk one of the saids parties to do
and perform to [others?] the particular deeds
underwritten and first we decree the said X to
X (here to Insert the Decernator of the
first party) And on the other part we Decree
the said

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