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second fiddle in that a ^local^ odious & almost im
-possible Tract agency. Don't say I am severe &
unreasonable. I told the Ex. [illegible] two years ago that
I would never go to N.York unless they would
make it the greathead quarters for the business
of the Society, which at least the New Yorkers think
becomes their great & central city. I object to doing
now what the committee excused me from
doing — namely managing ^in [New York, N.Y.|N.York]]^ a more common agency
(like Mr. Savages at Chicago for instance) but which
I there is a labored attempt now being made
to dragoon me into
. You see I am not so
frightened about derelictions in duty &c &c as
you appear to be, I am quite concious of obeying
instructions at least. As to being "off so much for
other Societies
, banks &c this Summer", the fact is
this is the very thing I was instruced to do at our ann
nual gathering at Mr. Booths last May — "Go South." "Es-
tablish agencies," "connect with the Bureau" "Experiment as
to the bank" "Act somewhat in the field for theMissionary
" & "Seee how we can link these great agen-
cies in one covering our kindred work". Mr Booth has
been my advisor at ^subsequent^ steps. This whole thing
with much toil I have done at NYork or here, & a
few weeks ago reported, in person, at Boston on
the matter & suggested a plan of continued effort.

What more could I have done in fidelity to my trust
only perhaps avoid these scorching heats, loneliness, & ab-
sence from home comforts. I might have worked harder

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