Little Dorrit Vol.1 f.017 recto




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it is possible that you may think me better suited to her than her former hus husband was.”

He had the a certain [???????] air of being a handsome man—which he certainly was not; [?] and the a certain [?????ly] air of [?being?] being
a well bred man—which he certainly was not. As It was ????? mere swagger and challenge; but [???????] in this particular, as [?????? ?? ????????ir ?? ????? if ?? ???]
[???? ????? ?? of his dis???? setting] in most many others, blustering [???????ing] assertion [??????] goesgoes for proof, [?all the world over?] half over the world.

“Be it is [??] as it may, Madame Barronneau approved of me. [?You consider ???] That is not to prejudice
me, I hope?”

His eye happening [????] happened happened happening to light upon John Baptist with this inquiry, that little man briskly shook his head
in the negative, and repeated ? in an argumentative tone [??? ????? ?????], under his breath, altro, altro, altro, altro— an infinite number of times.

“Now comes the [???] [c????] [????] the difficulties of our position. I am proud. I cannot defend [???] say nothing in defence
of pride, but I am proud. It is also my [???????] character to govern. I can’t submit; I must govern. [?????] Unfortunately, the property of Madame Rigaud
[??? ????????] character was [????] settled upon herself. [??] Such was the insane act of her late husband. More
unfortunately still, she had relations. [???, ??y was ?????] When a wife’s relations interpose against a
husband who is a gentleman, who is proud, and who must must govern, the consequences are [??] inimical
to peace. There was yet another source of difference between us. [????] unfortunately Madame Rigaud was
unfortunately a little vulgar. I sought to improve her manners and ameliorate her general tone; she
(supported [??] by her [??]supported in this [????] likewise by her relations) resented my endeavours. Quarrels [?????]began to arise [???? ?????] another
between us; and, propagated and exaggerated
by the slanders of the relations of Madame Rigaud, to become notorious to the neighbours. It
has been said that I treated Madame Rigaud with cruelty.
I may have been seen to slap her face—nothing more. I have a light hand; and if I have been seen apparently to correct Madame Rigaud in that manner, I
have done it almost playfully.”

If the playfulness of Monsieur Rigaud were at all expressed by his
smile at this point, the relations of Madame Rigaud might have said that they would have much preferred
his correcting that unfortunate woman seriously.

“I am sensitive and brave. I do not advance it as a merit to be sensitive and brave, but it is my character. If the
male relations of Madame Rigaud had put themselves forward openly, I should have known
how to deal with them. They knew that, and their machinations were conducted in secret; consequently, Madame
Rigaud and I were brought into frequent and unfortunate collision. Even when I wanted any little
sum of money for my personal expenses, I could not obtain it without collision—and I, too, a man whose
character it is to govern! One night, Madame Rigaud and myself were walking amicably—I may
say like lovers—on a height overhanging the sea. An evil star occasioned Madame Rigaud to advert
to her relations; I reasoned with her on that subject, and remonstrated on the want of duty and devotion
manifested in her allowing herself to be influenced by their jealous animosity towards her husband. Madame
Rigaud retorted; I retorted; Madame Rigaud grew warm; I grew warm, and provoked her. I admit it. Frankness is a part
of my character. At length, Madame Rigaud, in an access of fury that I must ever deplore, threw herself
upon me with screams of passion (no doubt those that were overheard at some distance), tore my clothes, tore my hair,
lacerated my hands, trampled and trod the dust, and finally leaped over, dashing herself to death
upon the rocks below. Such is the train of incidents which malice has
perverted into my endeavouring to force from Madame Rigaud a relinquishment of her rights; and,
on her persistence in a refusal to make the concession I required, struggling with her—assassinating

He stepped aside to the ledge where the vine leaves yet lay strewn about

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